We know that God speaks to us in many ways, but this year, in particular, he has spoken to me through numbers. I've noticed numerical patterns, an alignment of numbers as well, of course, the scriptures, dreams, visions etc
I've also met people, people I don't know, that he has previously spoken to me about; he seems to have used these meetings more as highway markers on my journey to encourage and build faith into the other things that he has said as well as releasing blessing upon the people.
This has been coupled with an ever increasing awareness of Heavens perspective in any given situation, rather than my own, natural, earthly perspective. A much more of 'What is father saying in this, what are His plans?' Rather than 'jumping in' with prayer or declarations in situations and circumstances.
So....while I've been praying and thinking about next year - 2016 I sensed the Lord asked me to look at the numbers - 20 16. Immediately I saw 20 as John 10:10 & 16 as 2x8. The number eight represents 'New Beginnings'.
John 10:10
'The thiefs purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.'
The Living Translation
'The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.' New King James translation
Holy Spirit was showing me that many of God's children have been robbed! Robbed of health, robbed of finances, vision etc and many prophetic words and promises from God, often seemed such a long way off that DOUBT had crept in followed by UNBELIEF and a LOSS OF HOPE resulting in
a downward spiral of battle with everything related to the Kingdom of God.
I began to pray concerning this and felt such an assurance that FULL restoration, IS coming and for some is already here, as the plans from our Fathers heart override the plans of our enemy, the robber, the thief, the destroyer, the father of lies.
I also saw many many prodigals returning home, returning to their father.
This too, excited me! Firstly, the Holy Spirit caused me to think back 8 years ago to 2008, asking me what happened then and what were the promises, prophetic words that I was praying at that time.
As I was pondering this and remembering, we moved house, travelling was on the increase, lots of other things happening that year too. God said that he was releasing promises again, (generally, not just for me) as His plans, His word NEVER, EVER, EVER returns to him empty, but the enemy had robbed so many of us of the fulfilment of these.
In this coming year we will be rising up, as Eagles, soaring from heavens perspective and yet, just like the eagle, have an eye on the ground, praying explosive prayers!!
Also, in the year of 2008 while I was in the Czech Republic, I received a vision of God's LOVE ARMY coming across Europe. (Please read previous blog concerning this)
This was PART of the manifestation of 'Go into all the world and preach the GOOD NEWS to everyone, everywhere. Those who believe and are baptised will be saved. But those who refuse will be condemned. And to those who believe they shall use my authority to cast out demons, they shall speak new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety and if they drink anything poisonous it won't hurt them; they will place their hands on the sick and heal them.' Mark 16
The Living Translation
I state 'part' because this Love Army were so weighted with the manifest presence of God, that people were coming to Jesus like iron filings to a magnet, the lame and the sick were being healed, like on the day when Peter's shadow overpowered people and they were instantly healed and many miraculous happenings were occurring.
Lastly, the 2x8 the DOUBLE PORTION - 'DOUBLE FOR OUR TROUBLE' which the Lord spoke
to me about at the beginning of this year 2015 - will be continuing, trickling through, into 2016.
We are all journeying, so different times and seasons will affect us in different ways.
As we, sons and daughters of God, receive the revelation of WHO we are in Him, and align our hearts, our minds and our mouths accordingly; continuing to live from a place of a healed heart (on going) and a passion to walk SO intimately with Him that we're almost bursting, at times, to see His Kingdom explode upon the earth, then we will see our hearts desires and fulfilment of the things that God has said.
As we 'Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness' Matthew 6:33 in every situation and yield ourselves, it is a choice, to live as Jesus did, the John 5:19 lifestyle we will truly be the Happiest people on Earth!
Happy Christmas Everyone!
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
I have just finished reading the book of Ezekiel and there are many things that Holy Spirit has spoken to me. But one of these, in particular; when God spoke to Ezekiel, many times he was told to 'Set his face towards.....'
I've been pondering this. When we 'set our face' to something we our intense with our focus. We look at things differently, we pursue. There is no double mindedness! No doubt. Like the Eagle, who focuses from a great height and zooms it's sight onto its prey before swooping down and taking it, so we need to focus, set our face, to what Holy Spirit has said to us and have that same intent as the Eagle.
We need daily to expect the breakthroughs and provision that God has promised. To see everything from a Divine Perspective and simply say, 'Thank you Father, I agree with you and with heaven the plans and purposes for....' family, friends, nations etc etc
In this way, I am 'setting my face' as Ezekiel did and believing that God knows what he is doing. Our part is to agree, to receive, to believe, to stand, and to work in the flow of, and the JOY of seeing the fulfilment of those prayers. Aligning our hearts, which in turn brings into alignment our thoughts, our prayers and the words of our mouths, until we know, that we know, that we know, what God has said will be accomplished. Embracing wherever we are on our journey and believing that He IS working ALL things together for good! Romans 8:28
Glory π
I've been pondering this. When we 'set our face' to something we our intense with our focus. We look at things differently, we pursue. There is no double mindedness! No doubt. Like the Eagle, who focuses from a great height and zooms it's sight onto its prey before swooping down and taking it, so we need to focus, set our face, to what Holy Spirit has said to us and have that same intent as the Eagle.
We need daily to expect the breakthroughs and provision that God has promised. To see everything from a Divine Perspective and simply say, 'Thank you Father, I agree with you and with heaven the plans and purposes for....' family, friends, nations etc etc
In this way, I am 'setting my face' as Ezekiel did and believing that God knows what he is doing. Our part is to agree, to receive, to believe, to stand, and to work in the flow of, and the JOY of seeing the fulfilment of those prayers. Aligning our hearts, which in turn brings into alignment our thoughts, our prayers and the words of our mouths, until we know, that we know, that we know, what God has said will be accomplished. Embracing wherever we are on our journey and believing that He IS working ALL things together for good! Romans 8:28
Glory π
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Last night as I was journaling, I saw a long line in the sand - the Lord said that many of his children have been persistent in prayer, with declarations and believing hearts and have been patiently waiting to see the results - the breakthroughs.
But Father has been preparing OUR hearts to move into the ENLARGEMENT of His Kingdom that is coming. He reminded me that as I made a Christmas cake this week, the amount of ingredients, the time mixing it altogether and then, of course, the hours it took to cook, was a lot of preparation so that we can enjoy a slice or two of Christmas cake!
How much more, the preparation of our hearts. He is such a faithful Father, rich in mercy and compassion, loving us beyond our comprehension.
In a previous blog I wrote on the BIRTHING of Gods promises which He confirmed to me on the same day, while I was in a bank and a school room in the Czech Republic. His promises have NOT changed! He is bringing together ALL that he has promised.
Times and seasons are in his hands - Eccls 3
This long line that I saw in the sand, was very long. I could see some people were right up against it and others not too far away. I sensed that God was showing me wherever they were on their journey depended on where they were positioned with Him,; they would all come to the line before crossing over. There were no shortcuts!
Today is the last day of November and tomorrow brings the start of a new month, December. 'Shiftings' have continued throughout this year, and as we move into the final month of 2015 and the time of CROSSING OVER this line in the sand has come, I could see HUGE waves of blessing were falling upon us as times of ABUNDANCE and REFRESHING had come!
It's been a long haul for many of us but everything is for a Divine Purpose - it's all about KNOWING HIM and making HIM KNOWN π
But Father has been preparing OUR hearts to move into the ENLARGEMENT of His Kingdom that is coming. He reminded me that as I made a Christmas cake this week, the amount of ingredients, the time mixing it altogether and then, of course, the hours it took to cook, was a lot of preparation so that we can enjoy a slice or two of Christmas cake!
How much more, the preparation of our hearts. He is such a faithful Father, rich in mercy and compassion, loving us beyond our comprehension.
In a previous blog I wrote on the BIRTHING of Gods promises which He confirmed to me on the same day, while I was in a bank and a school room in the Czech Republic. His promises have NOT changed! He is bringing together ALL that he has promised.
Times and seasons are in his hands - Eccls 3
This long line that I saw in the sand, was very long. I could see some people were right up against it and others not too far away. I sensed that God was showing me wherever they were on their journey depended on where they were positioned with Him,; they would all come to the line before crossing over. There were no shortcuts!
Today is the last day of November and tomorrow brings the start of a new month, December. 'Shiftings' have continued throughout this year, and as we move into the final month of 2015 and the time of CROSSING OVER this line in the sand has come, I could see HUGE waves of blessing were falling upon us as times of ABUNDANCE and REFRESHING had come!
It's been a long haul for many of us but everything is for a Divine Purpose - it's all about KNOWING HIM and making HIM KNOWN π
Sunday, 15 November 2015
As I awoke this morning, these were the words to me from the Lord, 'EUROPE - ITS TIME!'
This morning as we take a minutes silence at 11am to remember those who have died this past weekend in Paris, let's join together in prayer, agreeing with Heaven, that it is indeed time for Europe.
Many of you will know that I had an open vision in 2008 of a LOVE ARMY coming across Europe. I shared this again recently in meetings in the Czech Republic. At that time, God showed me that He was preparing His LOVE ARMY that would be moving right across Europe.
This Army, had no 'weapons' as soldiers usual weapons, but their weapons were heavenly weapons. Their words FULL of power and authority - their shadows, like Peter, causing the lame to be instantly healed and their prayers were from the heart of the Father.
They were living out of a truly John 5:19 lifestyle - whatever Father was doing, we were doing, whatever Father was saying, we were saying.
So, friends, let us choose to live this lifestyle and see Gods love army arising, as He has said. And as HOPE carriers release the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that FEAR melts over the nations and Jesus is glorified!! Amen π
Friday, 6 November 2015
Over the past few weeks, since I've returned home, God has been reminding me about the storks, (bringing the new babies) that He was speaking to me about whilst I was in the Czech Republic.
Last weekend we celebrated our grandchilds first birthday with a party, here at home. Having watched her grow for twelve months at each stage of her life, introducing her to solid food, seeing her crawl for the first time and now walking with her first pair of shoes!! God reminded me of the stages of our journey of life that we walk through too.
With every promise, every vision, we begin small. We make a start, we step out, we believe and trust. I sensed that many had started and then gave up when things didn't seem to 'take off'. As an encouragement to you, we need to remember that the baby doesn't walk at six months old! There has to be the development of the child's body; the opportunities for her/him to stretch, to try, to taste and to fall, in order to grow. It's the same with us.
We will dribble, at times, as we 'cut our teeth' but when the teeth are cut, we can eat more solid food.
With natural pregnancies, the baby will grow in the womb and then at the right time, it's head engages as it prepares itself to enter the birth canal. I sensed that a lot of us have been in a 'tight spot' we have been in the 'birth canal'. Some have prayed and believed and stood and declared, but it appears that nothing is shifting!! I could see
the frustration, the battle, and the feeling of wanting to escape. It reminded me when im in a Lift sometimes, with lots of people, I can't wait to get out into the wider space outside. I believe the baby must have the same feelings.
Somewhere in all this, Father is wooing us to come closer, to lean heavily upon His chest, as John the beloved with Jesus, and to LISTEN to Him. To be in that place of PEACE and REST knowing that He really has got this!
The baby will be born even if the birth maybe a little difficult! Because, He who promised, is faithful.
When the baby arrives into the world there's such a stark contrast for them. They have been nurtured for nine months in the womb, hearing muffled noises and sounds and now, here they are, outside of all that, with bright lights, new sounds and smells - a whole new world! Wow!
Well, this is what I'm seeing for the sons and daughters of God, those who are hungry, even desperate, to see Gods Kingdom manifesting all over the Earth. We are being brought into a place of ENLARGEMENT - like a whole new world! And just like the baby, we will need to continually suckle, to feed, from Him.
Knowing that, we can't give anything away, UNLESS we have first RECEIVED. As Holy Spirit has been preparing us for what is to come we have the CHOICE to live that John 5:19 lifestyle, as Jesus did, or not.
I want to encourage you, choose well, choose life, choose Him π
Thursday, 29 October 2015
This morning I awoke at 5am to a howling wind blowing all around the house. With my window open, I could hear the trees swaying and the many leaves being blown about.
I was reminded, that earlier this year, during the month of May, God spoke to me about a FRESH WIND (earlier blog) and this morning as I was listening to a natural wind, He said that 'I am sending another FRESH WIND!'
In this NEW fresh wind, we, his children, are being given a choice. We can choose to embrace what He is doing and flow with that, which means we will be totally out of our depth! OR we can choose to continue in the same way. Doing 'stuff' as we have been, or embracing the NEW, it's all good; but the NEW is better than the OLD!!
Sadly, I saw many people getting offended as this FRESH wind was blowing away strong cobwebs (some established networks, I believe) to make way for the NEW. I was sensing His heart, the desire for us, his sons and daughters, to have a desire to embrace the NEW!
I saw an acceleration of AWAKENING! This also, He had already spoken to me about earlier this year. There is an acceleration to RIGHTEOUSNESS - the righteousness of God upon the NATIONS.
Changes in our Governments, Churches, Schools and families were happening as Holy Spirit brings about Heavens plans and strategies. I felt that too many of us, His family, have embraced a mantle of hopelessness where more attention has been paid to news reports rather than what Father is saying and doing. John 5:19
This morning, let's break off ANY ungodly attachments in Jesus name and embrace this NEW WIND that He is releasing.
As some of you will know, this month we officially started our HOP (A303 House of Prayer) this was in obedience to what God had shown me a few years ago. As I was journaling earlier this week He reminded me of the Prayer Hubs that we will be connecting with across the nations.
As there is a 'return to prayer' happening right now, we will see these NEW hubs surfacing. They will be connected by those with a burning passion to see the Kingdom Of God powerfully over their villages, towns and cities with the effects rippling out to ALL the nations. Lastly, as I was reading Johns gospel this morning 6:27/29 the disciples were asking Jesus, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" Jesus answered: "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."
I was reminded, that earlier this year, during the month of May, God spoke to me about a FRESH WIND (earlier blog) and this morning as I was listening to a natural wind, He said that 'I am sending another FRESH WIND!'
In this NEW fresh wind, we, his children, are being given a choice. We can choose to embrace what He is doing and flow with that, which means we will be totally out of our depth! OR we can choose to continue in the same way. Doing 'stuff' as we have been, or embracing the NEW, it's all good; but the NEW is better than the OLD!!
Sadly, I saw many people getting offended as this FRESH wind was blowing away strong cobwebs (some established networks, I believe) to make way for the NEW. I was sensing His heart, the desire for us, his sons and daughters, to have a desire to embrace the NEW!
I saw an acceleration of AWAKENING! This also, He had already spoken to me about earlier this year. There is an acceleration to RIGHTEOUSNESS - the righteousness of God upon the NATIONS.
Changes in our Governments, Churches, Schools and families were happening as Holy Spirit brings about Heavens plans and strategies. I felt that too many of us, His family, have embraced a mantle of hopelessness where more attention has been paid to news reports rather than what Father is saying and doing. John 5:19
This morning, let's break off ANY ungodly attachments in Jesus name and embrace this NEW WIND that He is releasing.
As some of you will know, this month we officially started our HOP (A303 House of Prayer) this was in obedience to what God had shown me a few years ago. As I was journaling earlier this week He reminded me of the Prayer Hubs that we will be connecting with across the nations.
As there is a 'return to prayer' happening right now, we will see these NEW hubs surfacing. They will be connected by those with a burning passion to see the Kingdom Of God powerfully over their villages, towns and cities with the effects rippling out to ALL the nations. Lastly, as I was reading Johns gospel this morning 6:27/29 the disciples were asking Jesus, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" Jesus answered: "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
I awoke to a sunny, frosty morning on the first day of this month, in the Czech Republic. As I was getting up, I was reminded of a picture I have in my photos library of a warrior woman with a sword in her hand. And the thought came to me, 'It's time to cut off the Giant's head!'
Giant of debt, giant of sickness, giant of doubt & unbelief. It's time to cut off the Giants head!
As I was preparing for the day, (taking a small bag with me as we were off to pray for someone near the mountains) God was also reminding me of the scripture John 10:10 'The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it more ABUNDANTLY!'
While en route to the mountains, my friends and I stopped for a break and wandered around a most beautiful place, with a wealth of history and included various expressions of artwork. As I was taking some photos, I spotted a Giant's chair! (Those of you with access to FB I have added a photo of it)
This was confirmation to me of what was said to me earlier in the day; which I shared with my friends at the time.
Today, Tuesday 20th October, I was reminded of the above as I was eating breakfast and listening to the BBC NEWS. Today, a Giant Chair, in the Forest of Deane, (very similar to 'my' chair) is being dismantled as its considered unsafe.
So in response to these happenings, I want to encourage anyone who has a 'Giant' or some Giants, maybe, to take up your sword and cut his head off!! The Giant's WILL fall and the Giant's Seats have to come down as we DECLARE the WORD of the LORD over and above our circumstances!
What sheer JOY it is, knowing that the WORD of GOD NEVER, EVER, EVER.....returns to Him, without being fulfilled! Great stuff!!
Isaiah 55:11
Giant of debt, giant of sickness, giant of doubt & unbelief. It's time to cut off the Giants head!
As I was preparing for the day, (taking a small bag with me as we were off to pray for someone near the mountains) God was also reminding me of the scripture John 10:10 'The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it more ABUNDANTLY!'
While en route to the mountains, my friends and I stopped for a break and wandered around a most beautiful place, with a wealth of history and included various expressions of artwork. As I was taking some photos, I spotted a Giant's chair! (Those of you with access to FB I have added a photo of it)
This was confirmation to me of what was said to me earlier in the day; which I shared with my friends at the time.
Today, Tuesday 20th October, I was reminded of the above as I was eating breakfast and listening to the BBC NEWS. Today, a Giant Chair, in the Forest of Deane, (very similar to 'my' chair) is being dismantled as its considered unsafe.
So in response to these happenings, I want to encourage anyone who has a 'Giant' or some Giants, maybe, to take up your sword and cut his head off!! The Giant's WILL fall and the Giant's Seats have to come down as we DECLARE the WORD of the LORD over and above our circumstances!
What sheer JOY it is, knowing that the WORD of GOD NEVER, EVER, EVER.....returns to Him, without being fulfilled! Great stuff!!
Isaiah 55:11
Friday, 16 October 2015
As some of you may know I have just returned from a very fruitful time in Europe. During week three I travelled to Herrnhut, Germany to spend a few days, which I had set aside, to be quiet and still with Him.
In the 18th Century the Bohemian brethren were seeking a place where they could freely live out their faith. They sent a carpenter, Christian David, to Germany in search of a place of refuge. He took his request to one of the German nobility - Count Zinzendorf who gladly gave them a place to settle.
In the spring of 1722 the brethren began to emigrate to Count Zinzandorf's estate. On the 17th June 1722 the village of Herrnhut was founded. 24/7 Prayer is nothing new, these guys have been praying consistently for centuries! I found it to be such an open heaven.
One week before my arrival I was sharing in one of the churches in the Czech Republic and met a Prophet, who I made a very quick connection with. He told me, when I visit Herrnhut, I would pick up a couple of Angels there! :)
So.....after travelling by car to the station, then two trains and two taxis, I finally arrived in Germany. During the first night I had a dream. In this dream two angels came into my room - I was told that these angels were 'Angels of Courage' that had been sent to assist me in the days ahead. (Then some more details into that) Also the scripture from Joshua 1:9
'Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God, is with you, wherever you go.'
When I woke early the next morning, as communal prayer was at 8am, I decided to visit Prayer for the Nations room and spent an hour there, just me and Him. There was such an aroma, a presence, about the place and as I sat looking at the large World Map and the many flags around the room, I felt the assurance of His amazing love, for His world! John 3:16
The Holy Spirit specifically caused me to pray for South Africa, I don't know why, but that will unfold, no doubt.
The following day, I spent the afternoon in my room and received an open vision. Again, two Angels arrived. The same size as the other ones (if that has any relevance) but I just seemed to know, that these were Angels of Love. I was reminded of the vision I had received in the Czech Republic during a visit in 2008. God's Army of Love travelling over Europe - releasing the Father's Love. Like a magnet, people, crowds of people, were drawn to His Army receiving revelation of His love, His heart for them as Sons and Daughters. And many more, as in the account of Peter's shadow, instantly healed! So, as I understand this, these 'Love Angels' are part and parcel of all of that.
There was an easy access into Heavenly Realms from this place and I felt immensely privileged to be able to visit and stay for a couple of nights. Even more, I was fairly ecstatic communing so closely with my Heavenly Father. He really is, such a good, good Father π
In the 18th Century the Bohemian brethren were seeking a place where they could freely live out their faith. They sent a carpenter, Christian David, to Germany in search of a place of refuge. He took his request to one of the German nobility - Count Zinzendorf who gladly gave them a place to settle.
In the spring of 1722 the brethren began to emigrate to Count Zinzandorf's estate. On the 17th June 1722 the village of Herrnhut was founded. 24/7 Prayer is nothing new, these guys have been praying consistently for centuries! I found it to be such an open heaven.
One week before my arrival I was sharing in one of the churches in the Czech Republic and met a Prophet, who I made a very quick connection with. He told me, when I visit Herrnhut, I would pick up a couple of Angels there! :)
So.....after travelling by car to the station, then two trains and two taxis, I finally arrived in Germany. During the first night I had a dream. In this dream two angels came into my room - I was told that these angels were 'Angels of Courage' that had been sent to assist me in the days ahead. (Then some more details into that) Also the scripture from Joshua 1:9
'Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God, is with you, wherever you go.'
When I woke early the next morning, as communal prayer was at 8am, I decided to visit Prayer for the Nations room and spent an hour there, just me and Him. There was such an aroma, a presence, about the place and as I sat looking at the large World Map and the many flags around the room, I felt the assurance of His amazing love, for His world! John 3:16
The Holy Spirit specifically caused me to pray for South Africa, I don't know why, but that will unfold, no doubt.
The following day, I spent the afternoon in my room and received an open vision. Again, two Angels arrived. The same size as the other ones (if that has any relevance) but I just seemed to know, that these were Angels of Love. I was reminded of the vision I had received in the Czech Republic during a visit in 2008. God's Army of Love travelling over Europe - releasing the Father's Love. Like a magnet, people, crowds of people, were drawn to His Army receiving revelation of His love, His heart for them as Sons and Daughters. And many more, as in the account of Peter's shadow, instantly healed! So, as I understand this, these 'Love Angels' are part and parcel of all of that.
There was an easy access into Heavenly Realms from this place and I felt immensely privileged to be able to visit and stay for a couple of nights. Even more, I was fairly ecstatic communing so closely with my Heavenly Father. He really is, such a good, good Father π
Friday, 2 October 2015
As I was waiting for the bank to open here in the Czech Republic on Tuesday, I decided to buy a coffee from a stall at the market, which was just behind the bank.
The sky had clouded over a bit, and as I was enjoying my coffee, I was people watching. Then my eyes were drawn to a large sign? A large word really, on the back of one of the buildings. It said:
I thought that's unusual, an English word there, like that. Then God spoke to me and said, He has made RESERVATIONS! He has RESERVED your place, your table, your inheritance, your destiny!
I was thinking, when something is reserved, like a table I a restaurant or a seat on a train or plane, then that particular place is reserved for YOU! Even IF someone sits in it, they have to move when you turn up!
Now, some may be thinking, my destiny is not reserved - but this is what I saw. When we are being prepared, when we are walking through difficult, testing, stretching times in our lives, sometimes, we feel like we are never going to make it; into what God has promised. But, because He is such a loving Father, who cares for the tiniest of details of our lives, He keeps, He reserves, what has been promised to us.
He went on to say, not to fret about 'missed connections' or opportunities that you feel you have missed; even lack of networking! He is our divine connector! He is our 'networker'.
I had a wonderful example of this two weeks ago at the airport. The night before I left the UK God gave me a name, kept popping in my head when I was praying - McDougall
An unusual name, I thought. Long story short - the airport was so packed that the security system actually shut down temporarily, we were so squashed together! People everywhere.
An elderly couple behind me (right behind me!) were saying to one another they had never seen an airport like it! I turned around and started chatting to them. Turns out, the wife has short term memory loss. We reached the other side of the security checks, where, both she and I were frisked!
The poor lady, didn't know what was going on, so I stayed with her, as her husband went to collect her tray. In the cafuffle; he had dropped his passport and boarding card onto the floor. He had left his wife next to his tray, which contained his wallet, watch etc. she decided to wander off towards him so I stayed by his tray until they returned.
He thanked me so much for explaining to his wife, previously, about taking off our watches, shoes, etc and I handed him his passport that he had dropped. I noticed the name......McDougall
As I wandered through the cosmetics/perfumeries area, I was trying to think why that name seemed familiar? Then, I remembered, I had written it in my journal the night before my flight, last night.
I think we can trust Him, don't you, with our RESERVATIONS! Godly timings and connections. He
is such a good good Father π
And now, here I am, drinking coffee in the market place waiting for the bank to open and He is assuring me and you, of His perfect timings - His reservations!
The sky had clouded over a bit, and as I was enjoying my coffee, I was people watching. Then my eyes were drawn to a large sign? A large word really, on the back of one of the buildings. It said:
I thought that's unusual, an English word there, like that. Then God spoke to me and said, He has made RESERVATIONS! He has RESERVED your place, your table, your inheritance, your destiny!
I was thinking, when something is reserved, like a table I a restaurant or a seat on a train or plane, then that particular place is reserved for YOU! Even IF someone sits in it, they have to move when you turn up!
Now, some may be thinking, my destiny is not reserved - but this is what I saw. When we are being prepared, when we are walking through difficult, testing, stretching times in our lives, sometimes, we feel like we are never going to make it; into what God has promised. But, because He is such a loving Father, who cares for the tiniest of details of our lives, He keeps, He reserves, what has been promised to us.
He went on to say, not to fret about 'missed connections' or opportunities that you feel you have missed; even lack of networking! He is our divine connector! He is our 'networker'.
I had a wonderful example of this two weeks ago at the airport. The night before I left the UK God gave me a name, kept popping in my head when I was praying - McDougall
An unusual name, I thought. Long story short - the airport was so packed that the security system actually shut down temporarily, we were so squashed together! People everywhere.
An elderly couple behind me (right behind me!) were saying to one another they had never seen an airport like it! I turned around and started chatting to them. Turns out, the wife has short term memory loss. We reached the other side of the security checks, where, both she and I were frisked!
The poor lady, didn't know what was going on, so I stayed with her, as her husband went to collect her tray. In the cafuffle; he had dropped his passport and boarding card onto the floor. He had left his wife next to his tray, which contained his wallet, watch etc. she decided to wander off towards him so I stayed by his tray until they returned.
He thanked me so much for explaining to his wife, previously, about taking off our watches, shoes, etc and I handed him his passport that he had dropped. I noticed the name......McDougall
As I wandered through the cosmetics/perfumeries area, I was trying to think why that name seemed familiar? Then, I remembered, I had written it in my journal the night before my flight, last night.
I think we can trust Him, don't you, with our RESERVATIONS! Godly timings and connections. He
is such a good good Father π
And now, here I am, drinking coffee in the market place waiting for the bank to open and He is assuring me and you, of His perfect timings - His reservations!
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
This morning, I am posting something that's been on my heart. I have shared this with a few people, here in the Czech Republic, during the last couple of days.
It's from Revelation 5:8/9/10
'Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song.'
I saw some golden bowls FULL; there is a trickle that is currently dribbling from the bowls. I sensed IF the bowls were fully tipped in one go, causing a deluge, we would not be able to handle that, at this time. He knows what's best π But there is a pouring out.
We are seeing, and about to see, the fulfilment of our prayers! I encourage you to position your hearts, stay awake, get ready to journal, and to share what Father is bringing to YOU!
The second part of this verse: 'And they sang a new song saying;
You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
And you made us Kings and Priests to our God;
And we shall reign on the earth.'
These verses, referring to Jesus of course, how He has redeemed us by His blood. People from all over the world and made US Kings and Priests to REIGN on the Earth!
I sense that as we begin to see the answers to our prayers, the manifestations of the Kingdom of God here on Earth are going to EXPLODE! As we walk in the anointing of Kings and Priests and He continues to teach us how to REIGN as Sons and Daughters π
So thankful God for being alive at such a time as this π
It's from Revelation 5:8/9/10
'Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song.'
I saw some golden bowls FULL; there is a trickle that is currently dribbling from the bowls. I sensed IF the bowls were fully tipped in one go, causing a deluge, we would not be able to handle that, at this time. He knows what's best π But there is a pouring out.
We are seeing, and about to see, the fulfilment of our prayers! I encourage you to position your hearts, stay awake, get ready to journal, and to share what Father is bringing to YOU!
The second part of this verse: 'And they sang a new song saying;
You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
And you made us Kings and Priests to our God;
And we shall reign on the earth.'
These verses, referring to Jesus of course, how He has redeemed us by His blood. People from all over the world and made US Kings and Priests to REIGN on the Earth!
I sense that as we begin to see the answers to our prayers, the manifestations of the Kingdom of God here on Earth are going to EXPLODE! As we walk in the anointing of Kings and Priests and He continues to teach us how to REIGN as Sons and Daughters π
So thankful God for being alive at such a time as this π
This morning, as I was walking, I noticed a lot of houses with log piles outside in preparation for winter. As I crossed a road, a large truck drove pass with a trailer carrying tree trunks. Then farther up the road, I came into a woodland where there was an ABUNDANCE of Acorns.
Then God said to me, that the time of ENLARGEMENT and ABUNDANCE is here! For many have lived in 'confinement' like the small, tidy log piles I had seen, and people are only able to take and to draw from a small resource.
The truck loaded with tree trunks is symbolic of my ABUNDANCE that I am releasing. Instead of the 'tidy little piles' of release of my Kingdom, you will begin to see the abundance and enlargement that I have been waiting to release.
Regarding the acorns, they are a reminder to NOT despise the day of small things; for just like the acorn, the growth/enlargement will come.
Then in an open vision I could see a multiplication of groups/hubs of believers that were TRUE families; carrying His heart for one another. Which reminded me of Acts 2:44/45 'Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.'
I could see multiplications of people being drawn to these hubs as they could see their LOVE for one another was real and true.
I shared with a friend, about the logs and the truck, as we were chatting and heading out for lunch. The very vehicle in front of us as we pulled out onto the highway? A large truck carrying tree trunks!
(Double) :)
John 10:10b 'I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly!' π
Then God said to me, that the time of ENLARGEMENT and ABUNDANCE is here! For many have lived in 'confinement' like the small, tidy log piles I had seen, and people are only able to take and to draw from a small resource.
The truck loaded with tree trunks is symbolic of my ABUNDANCE that I am releasing. Instead of the 'tidy little piles' of release of my Kingdom, you will begin to see the abundance and enlargement that I have been waiting to release.
Regarding the acorns, they are a reminder to NOT despise the day of small things; for just like the acorn, the growth/enlargement will come.
Then in an open vision I could see a multiplication of groups/hubs of believers that were TRUE families; carrying His heart for one another. Which reminded me of Acts 2:44/45 'Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.'
I could see multiplications of people being drawn to these hubs as they could see their LOVE for one another was real and true.
I shared with a friend, about the logs and the truck, as we were chatting and heading out for lunch. The very vehicle in front of us as we pulled out onto the highway? A large truck carrying tree trunks!
(Double) :)
John 10:10b 'I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly!' π
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
This morning whilst worshipping here in the Czech Republic I received an open vision of Angels being released. They were carrying large BOLTCUTTERS in their hands!
They have been released to cut the heavy chains and locks, that I could see, that have been placed upon LARGE GATES!
As these chains were being cut, the gates were flinging WIDE OPEN into very large places.
The Lord said, 'The time of ENLARGEMENT is here!'
I also saw very large buildings that had become ruins, they were uninhabitable, that were being rebuilt. HE is rebuilding Ancient ruins!
I have been sensing and seeing since my arrival here in Europe, the evidence of the Fresh Oil, (previous blog) and that something very TIMELY has opened over Europe.
Please continue to pray π
To God be the glory!
They have been released to cut the heavy chains and locks, that I could see, that have been placed upon LARGE GATES!
As these chains were being cut, the gates were flinging WIDE OPEN into very large places.
The Lord said, 'The time of ENLARGEMENT is here!'
I also saw very large buildings that had become ruins, they were uninhabitable, that were being rebuilt. HE is rebuilding Ancient ruins!
I have been sensing and seeing since my arrival here in Europe, the evidence of the Fresh Oil, (previous blog) and that something very TIMELY has opened over Europe.
Please continue to pray π
To God be the glory!
Saturday, 5 September 2015
We often read and hear of SURPRISES and SUDDENLIES are happening or to be expectant for them to happen! This past month I've read, and seen pictures of, gemstones in meetings. Feathers appearing during worship and as Bill Johnson says, these kind of things are a 'sign and a wonder'.
Signs from God - and we wonder about them!
Well, when something happens to you personally, it REALLY is a BIG wonder. And close friends know, that I have hesitated to post this, when it's something personal, from my loving Father, I am aware that not everyone rejoices with you! Sadly......
But hey, this morning He said, 'POST IT!' So I hope this will be an encouragement to many others to BELIEVE to SEE more and more of the supernatural happening in our lives. For sure, these are the days!
On Wednesday morning I decided to shut myself away in my study to spend more time with God.
As I was reading my Bible, I reached into my office tray, which sits on top of my desk, for a pen, to mark something I was reading. Still reading, I reached out with my left hand into the tray and felt something moist on my finger. Immediately, I looked to see what that was, and it was a 'thick' clear liquid?!
Now, my office tray has my full attention! In one of the compartments is a small puddle of this liquid. I look up to the ceiling thinking something has leaked! (It's a flat roof in this part of the house) nothing.....I looked into the other compartments to see if something has leaked, Pritstick, a Pen? Nothing.....I decide to fetch my phone from the kitchen and take some pics.
In this particular compartment are a few items:
A large white paper clip
A small tape measure (from a Christmas cracker, I think)
A Remembrance Day Poppy
A Page Peg marker with an Owls head carved into the top of it
And a small paperweight
Each item had some OIL on it. The tape measure and the Owl Peg had a globule on them and the Poppy had, in fact, soaked up some of the oil. I decided to remain in my study until I had received some revelation on all this. Which I now have.
When my husband returned from work I took him to the study, and asked him what he thought. He checked every NATURAL explanation for this, there was none.
In this season/time where an AWAKENING of the NATIONS is happening (previous blogs) personally, I have decided to increase my study times, reading my Bible, at least for this past month.
We know, that God will speak to us how He chooses. But I want to really encourage you to BELIEVE for a deepening in your own intimate walk with Him and to see MORE of Gods supernatural moving in your personal life. We have been uniquely made, by the author of the Universe, our Heavenly Father, our Abba π He wants to show us so much more.
I'm sensing that there is a WEALTH of CREATIVITY hidden, that needs to be EXPOSED!!
Lastly, I think I need to say this. It really doesn't matter that some people don't accept you, that some
people don't celebrate YOU! Sad as that is....even if you belong to their group/organisation/church.
This is NOT Fathers heart.....we belong to His family; He has our heart π we ALL matter.
The ANOINTING OIL is flowing ALL over His World and we truly are alive for such a time as this! Thank you Jesus π
Signs from God - and we wonder about them!
Well, when something happens to you personally, it REALLY is a BIG wonder. And close friends know, that I have hesitated to post this, when it's something personal, from my loving Father, I am aware that not everyone rejoices with you! Sadly......
But hey, this morning He said, 'POST IT!' So I hope this will be an encouragement to many others to BELIEVE to SEE more and more of the supernatural happening in our lives. For sure, these are the days!
On Wednesday morning I decided to shut myself away in my study to spend more time with God.
As I was reading my Bible, I reached into my office tray, which sits on top of my desk, for a pen, to mark something I was reading. Still reading, I reached out with my left hand into the tray and felt something moist on my finger. Immediately, I looked to see what that was, and it was a 'thick' clear liquid?!
Now, my office tray has my full attention! In one of the compartments is a small puddle of this liquid. I look up to the ceiling thinking something has leaked! (It's a flat roof in this part of the house) nothing.....I looked into the other compartments to see if something has leaked, Pritstick, a Pen? Nothing.....I decide to fetch my phone from the kitchen and take some pics.
In this particular compartment are a few items:
A large white paper clip
A small tape measure (from a Christmas cracker, I think)
A Remembrance Day Poppy
A Page Peg marker with an Owls head carved into the top of it
And a small paperweight
Each item had some OIL on it. The tape measure and the Owl Peg had a globule on them and the Poppy had, in fact, soaked up some of the oil. I decided to remain in my study until I had received some revelation on all this. Which I now have.
When my husband returned from work I took him to the study, and asked him what he thought. He checked every NATURAL explanation for this, there was none.
In this season/time where an AWAKENING of the NATIONS is happening (previous blogs) personally, I have decided to increase my study times, reading my Bible, at least for this past month.
We know, that God will speak to us how He chooses. But I want to really encourage you to BELIEVE for a deepening in your own intimate walk with Him and to see MORE of Gods supernatural moving in your personal life. We have been uniquely made, by the author of the Universe, our Heavenly Father, our Abba π He wants to show us so much more.
I'm sensing that there is a WEALTH of CREATIVITY hidden, that needs to be EXPOSED!!
Lastly, I think I need to say this. It really doesn't matter that some people don't accept you, that some
people don't celebrate YOU! Sad as that is....even if you belong to their group/organisation/church.
This is NOT Fathers heart.....we belong to His family; He has our heart π we ALL matter.
The ANOINTING OIL is flowing ALL over His World and we truly are alive for such a time as this! Thank you Jesus π
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Following on from my first blog regarding the Angels of Wake Up published on the 22nd August, as I was sensing that there would be a 'part two' this is what was released to me during the week while I joined others hungry for more of God.
God reminded me of the Angels of Wake Up and then in an open vision showed me a HUGE clock.
There were so many parts to this clock, from tiny cogs to very, very large wheels. Near the base of this clock was a large circular piece, a movement, that was swaying clockwise - anti clockwise, clockwise then anti clockwise in that rythm. I found myself physically moving with the rythm of this HUGE clock. Tick tock - tick tock - tick tock
Then I began singing a little prophetic jingle - Tick tock, tick tock, it's time to STOP, it's time to stop, anything that's not in Gods Rythm!
Anything that's out of His timing, out of His rythm, will cause this huge clock to malfunction. I could then see the disorder that comes when we're not flowing with Him.
As I continued to admire this beautiful HUGE clock, I felt a fresh wind coming and bringing with it a SETTING IN ORDER of that which is out of sync. I also saw a REPOSITIONING of many people in preparation for something much bigger that's coming!
Then God showed me a map of His World. In several places, in different nations, I could see people on trains and buses being brought to a halt! Masses of people getting off of transport and wondering what to do? Where to go? At the onset of these happenings there is total chaos. This reminded me of the current refugee crisis in Europe, but I sensed that these were people 'in general' just going about their business on their way to work etc
It was as though someone had switched off the power for commuting!! Trains and buses coming to a halt!!
As I'm seeing this, wondering what's going to happen.......SUDDENLY Heaven comes down. There is calm, there is peace, there is order, there is organisation, there is MULTIPLICATION (previous blog) of food, of water, of life!! Because the LIFEGIVER has come!
Whatever chaos, whatever strategies and plans the enemy has dreamed up, our God, our Father, is
SINGING over us. He releases LIFE - PURPOSE - DESTINY!
As Father has released these Angels of Wake Up to the United Kingdom, and I believe in other NATIONS also, (in particular, America) placing them in strategic places; awakening the WATCHMEN, awakening the INTERCESSORS and generally AWAKENING His CHURCH, our response must be to join Him. To intercede for the Governments, the Cities and the Nations, in preparation, for this imminent outpouring that, as yet, this world has never known and we will move into an entirely NEW LEVEL of what it means to be a CHRISTIAN - a CHRIST follower in these days.
Such GLORIOUS days ahead π
God reminded me of the Angels of Wake Up and then in an open vision showed me a HUGE clock.
There were so many parts to this clock, from tiny cogs to very, very large wheels. Near the base of this clock was a large circular piece, a movement, that was swaying clockwise - anti clockwise, clockwise then anti clockwise in that rythm. I found myself physically moving with the rythm of this HUGE clock. Tick tock - tick tock - tick tock
Then I began singing a little prophetic jingle - Tick tock, tick tock, it's time to STOP, it's time to stop, anything that's not in Gods Rythm!
Anything that's out of His timing, out of His rythm, will cause this huge clock to malfunction. I could then see the disorder that comes when we're not flowing with Him.
As I continued to admire this beautiful HUGE clock, I felt a fresh wind coming and bringing with it a SETTING IN ORDER of that which is out of sync. I also saw a REPOSITIONING of many people in preparation for something much bigger that's coming!
Then God showed me a map of His World. In several places, in different nations, I could see people on trains and buses being brought to a halt! Masses of people getting off of transport and wondering what to do? Where to go? At the onset of these happenings there is total chaos. This reminded me of the current refugee crisis in Europe, but I sensed that these were people 'in general' just going about their business on their way to work etc
It was as though someone had switched off the power for commuting!! Trains and buses coming to a halt!!
As I'm seeing this, wondering what's going to happen.......SUDDENLY Heaven comes down. There is calm, there is peace, there is order, there is organisation, there is MULTIPLICATION (previous blog) of food, of water, of life!! Because the LIFEGIVER has come!
Whatever chaos, whatever strategies and plans the enemy has dreamed up, our God, our Father, is
SINGING over us. He releases LIFE - PURPOSE - DESTINY!
As Father has released these Angels of Wake Up to the United Kingdom, and I believe in other NATIONS also, (in particular, America) placing them in strategic places; awakening the WATCHMEN, awakening the INTERCESSORS and generally AWAKENING His CHURCH, our response must be to join Him. To intercede for the Governments, the Cities and the Nations, in preparation, for this imminent outpouring that, as yet, this world has never known and we will move into an entirely NEW LEVEL of what it means to be a CHRISTIAN - a CHRIST follower in these days.
Such GLORIOUS days ahead π
Saturday, 22 August 2015
I had a dream over a week ago that I've been processing and I'm sensing to share it this morning.
Close friends know that previous to this dream the Lord has been speaking to me about the 'BUGLAR'. I had pulled into a garage for fuel and a guy walked right in front of my car, causing me to brake quickly and on the back of his overalls was a large label with 'BUGLAR' on it. On the same day I was stuck in traffic and a van pulls in front of me that says, 'BUGLAR'.
During that same week whilst taking my son to work I saw TWO cows give birth. Although I was in my car the cows were so close to the fence that I could have got out and touched them.
In my previous blogs you'll read about the DOUBLE that God has speaking to me about for this year. So I've been spending more time with Him this past week to get a handle on all this.
During this time the Lord gave me a dream:
I saw a map of Great Britain and Angels with Bugles have been placed in specific places in Scotland
- England - Ireland - Wales. Behind the BUGLAR Angels were taller Angels holding long, large trumpets.
I could also see that many people had become tired in the process of journey. Some had given up, others had adapted an attitude of 'why bother' and apathy had set in. But intercession has been made and I sensed that in response to all of that God was showing me how to continue to pray for the unfolding of His plans for this nation.
The Bugle is used in the armed forces to awaken the soldiers at dawn. God has placed these Angels in strategic places to blow their bugles - to AWAKEN the Church; the people of God to HIS plans and purposes for this nation at this time.
It appeared that these Angels will AWAKEN - sound the alarm, first, then the taller Angels that I could see behind them will blow their trumpets. I understand that these trumpets are used for the purposes of HERALDING in the NEW - and ANNOUNCEMENTS of ARRIVAL (In Royal circles and Government) they have also been positioned to announce the ARRIVAL (the NEW births that I had seen earlier)
I could see the tiredness, the apathy that the enemy has released over the nation being turned around.
There has been things done in secret, in, and over our nation that God IS revealing as we are awakened!
I was reminded of this scripture: Luke 8:17 'For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest:
neither anything hid that shall not be made known'.
I'm sensing that this is only Part One - I'll be sharing Part Two as and when He releases it to me.
Please join me in prayer as we continue to see the unfolding of Gods rule, Gods reign, Gods
righteousness over the nations π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§
Close friends know that previous to this dream the Lord has been speaking to me about the 'BUGLAR'. I had pulled into a garage for fuel and a guy walked right in front of my car, causing me to brake quickly and on the back of his overalls was a large label with 'BUGLAR' on it. On the same day I was stuck in traffic and a van pulls in front of me that says, 'BUGLAR'.
During that same week whilst taking my son to work I saw TWO cows give birth. Although I was in my car the cows were so close to the fence that I could have got out and touched them.
In my previous blogs you'll read about the DOUBLE that God has speaking to me about for this year. So I've been spending more time with Him this past week to get a handle on all this.
During this time the Lord gave me a dream:
I saw a map of Great Britain and Angels with Bugles have been placed in specific places in Scotland
- England - Ireland - Wales. Behind the BUGLAR Angels were taller Angels holding long, large trumpets.
I could also see that many people had become tired in the process of journey. Some had given up, others had adapted an attitude of 'why bother' and apathy had set in. But intercession has been made and I sensed that in response to all of that God was showing me how to continue to pray for the unfolding of His plans for this nation.
The Bugle is used in the armed forces to awaken the soldiers at dawn. God has placed these Angels in strategic places to blow their bugles - to AWAKEN the Church; the people of God to HIS plans and purposes for this nation at this time.
It appeared that these Angels will AWAKEN - sound the alarm, first, then the taller Angels that I could see behind them will blow their trumpets. I understand that these trumpets are used for the purposes of HERALDING in the NEW - and ANNOUNCEMENTS of ARRIVAL (In Royal circles and Government) they have also been positioned to announce the ARRIVAL (the NEW births that I had seen earlier)
I could see the tiredness, the apathy that the enemy has released over the nation being turned around.
There has been things done in secret, in, and over our nation that God IS revealing as we are awakened!
I was reminded of this scripture: Luke 8:17 'For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest:
neither anything hid that shall not be made known'.
I'm sensing that this is only Part One - I'll be sharing Part Two as and when He releases it to me.
Please join me in prayer as we continue to see the unfolding of Gods rule, Gods reign, Gods
righteousness over the nations π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§π¬π§
Friday, 7 August 2015
Today is the eighth day of the eighth month of the year. While I was praying this morning I could see many assignments coming to a close. The Lord was showing me that the enemy has had 'strong' assignments against those that have CHOSEN to follow Him, whatever the cost.
As the number eight looks like two circles, He was showing me that particular enemy assignments have now ENDED; they have come full circle. Enough!!
Many will see the DOUBLE blessings, the TWINS, if you like, during this month. Not just one NEW BIRTH but TWO!! I see this in the returning of the prodigals, in families, in business and in ministries.
I also saw many have become tired in the process, in the waiting, which has not been helped by the enemies onslaughts and accusations. Satan is the father of lies after all, but our Heavenly Father is a GOOD, GOOD FATHER working ALL things together for our GOOD!
Romans 8:28
Look to see him working on your behalf. EXPECT to see Gods hand at work, particularly in the 'small' things. I've been receiving lots of confirmations in the last few days of the things He has promised, even from way back and the joy of knowing that He cares; even in the small stuff.
Having an attitude of gratitude helps keeps us focused on what He has said. Giving thanks IN all things, then calling into being what He has said, helps keeps us on track.
Romans 4:17
Happy days! π
As the number eight looks like two circles, He was showing me that particular enemy assignments have now ENDED; they have come full circle. Enough!!
Many will see the DOUBLE blessings, the TWINS, if you like, during this month. Not just one NEW BIRTH but TWO!! I see this in the returning of the prodigals, in families, in business and in ministries.
I also saw many have become tired in the process, in the waiting, which has not been helped by the enemies onslaughts and accusations. Satan is the father of lies after all, but our Heavenly Father is a GOOD, GOOD FATHER working ALL things together for our GOOD!
Romans 8:28
Look to see him working on your behalf. EXPECT to see Gods hand at work, particularly in the 'small' things. I've been receiving lots of confirmations in the last few days of the things He has promised, even from way back and the joy of knowing that He cares; even in the small stuff.
Having an attitude of gratitude helps keeps us focused on what He has said. Giving thanks IN all things, then calling into being what He has said, helps keeps us on track.
Romans 4:17
Happy days! π
Friday, 31 July 2015
We welcome you, month of August, the eighth month in our calendar. The number eight represents the NEW - NEW BEGINNINGS!
During the month of July 'Time to Fly' (please read previous blog) as we were stretching out and preparing for take off, the enemy certainly showed his hand and many have been in intense spiritual warfare including myself. The battle of the mind has been intense, almost to the point of giving up!
But praise be to God who ALWAYS leads us in TRIUMPH! The enemy never, ever, wins.
We have the victory through Jesus π
So here we are on the first day of the eighth month and what is He saying, what do I see.
After much battle; Holy Spirit has strengthened our ability to stand, we will see the fruit of our prayers, and that in ABUNDANCE!
Don't be afraid to ASK others to pray/help. I'm a great 'ASKER' Jesus says about ASKING many times; we need each other; He is causing us to be a REAL family; His family π Only pride will tell us we can do this alone and to keep ourselves separate. Isolation is NOT good, unless He leads you into that place for a time with Himπ
During August, we will see many PRODIGALS returning home. At last, they have come to their senses, just as the prodigal son did, and will return to Father as He has patiently loved them back into His arms. I see such EXPLOSIONS OF JOY AS ABUNDANT CELEBRATIONS BEGIN!
Also, I see a continuation of the ENDING of, and an ENTERING into, the NEW, with PROPERTIES, BUSINESSES, RELATIONSHIPS and an INCREASE of Ministries working together (previous blog) bringing about the things of His heart.
Yesterday morning, while I was driving my son to work, just the other side of a fence, I saw a farmer waiting for one of his cows to give birth. I stopped to watch the beginning of this birth.....
As I sat there in my car, just watching, God said to me, that an ACCELERATION has begun and we WILL see the BIRTHING of the NEW things that He has said. The promises that He has given, the
VISIONS that He gave.
A lotta lotta of NEW BIRTHS during August π
Supernatural PROVISION
Thankfully, this has already begun in our house! I have been continually amazed at His goodness even in SMALL things, He has provided above and beyond my expectations.
This month many will see this for the first time! Hallelujah! We will see an ABUNDANCE in ALL things as we continue to sow seed and walk in that John 5:19 LIFESTYLE just as Jesus did.
HAPPY AUGUST everyone as GUSTS of His LOVE, GRACE and GLORY just show up! π
During the month of July 'Time to Fly' (please read previous blog) as we were stretching out and preparing for take off, the enemy certainly showed his hand and many have been in intense spiritual warfare including myself. The battle of the mind has been intense, almost to the point of giving up!
But praise be to God who ALWAYS leads us in TRIUMPH! The enemy never, ever, wins.
We have the victory through Jesus π
So here we are on the first day of the eighth month and what is He saying, what do I see.
After much battle; Holy Spirit has strengthened our ability to stand, we will see the fruit of our prayers, and that in ABUNDANCE!
Don't be afraid to ASK others to pray/help. I'm a great 'ASKER' Jesus says about ASKING many times; we need each other; He is causing us to be a REAL family; His family π Only pride will tell us we can do this alone and to keep ourselves separate. Isolation is NOT good, unless He leads you into that place for a time with Himπ
During August, we will see many PRODIGALS returning home. At last, they have come to their senses, just as the prodigal son did, and will return to Father as He has patiently loved them back into His arms. I see such EXPLOSIONS OF JOY AS ABUNDANT CELEBRATIONS BEGIN!
Also, I see a continuation of the ENDING of, and an ENTERING into, the NEW, with PROPERTIES, BUSINESSES, RELATIONSHIPS and an INCREASE of Ministries working together (previous blog) bringing about the things of His heart.
Yesterday morning, while I was driving my son to work, just the other side of a fence, I saw a farmer waiting for one of his cows to give birth. I stopped to watch the beginning of this birth.....
As I sat there in my car, just watching, God said to me, that an ACCELERATION has begun and we WILL see the BIRTHING of the NEW things that He has said. The promises that He has given, the
VISIONS that He gave.
A lotta lotta of NEW BIRTHS during August π
Supernatural PROVISION
Thankfully, this has already begun in our house! I have been continually amazed at His goodness even in SMALL things, He has provided above and beyond my expectations.
This month many will see this for the first time! Hallelujah! We will see an ABUNDANCE in ALL things as we continue to sow seed and walk in that John 5:19 LIFESTYLE just as Jesus did.
HAPPY AUGUST everyone as GUSTS of His LOVE, GRACE and GLORY just show up! π
Thursday, 16 July 2015
This morning I awoke from a dream at 3.30 am. In this dream I saw a crowd of people walking out of caves; out of the shadows, wearing beautiful colourful 'Joseph' coats.
They walked onto the streets, and on each side of the street, doors were opening, just everywhere!
The sick, the lame, the terminally ill, were brought onto the streets and were IMMEDIATELY healed!
Sensing that there was more the Lord wanted to say to me, through the dream, I spent the next couple of hours in His presence asking about what I had seen and what else He wanted to show me.
The RICH colours
These represented the varied giftings and anointings that each one carried. As a group, they looked rather 'ragtag and bobtail' in their appearance. Their 'Joseph coats' were the only attractive thing about them. But that was the attraction.....HIM!
There was nothing of themselves, these were 'laid down lovers', the 'presence hungry' crowd, no longer living for themselves. The very presence of God, in them, oozed, a depth, a richness, of heavens abundance.
Each one functioned/flowed from their heart in whatever way the Holy Spirit chose.
Just as Genesis 37:32 states, that Joseph's coat was returned to his father, I sensed that a large proportion of those that I was seeing, were Fathers and Mothers. Many, HAD pastored, ministered, lead worship, wrote NEW songs, etc but had become tired. Tired of the system, tired of the enemies activities, tired of seemingly unfulfillment of prophecy etc. Just tired........
But they had returned to the Father......Holy Spirit has been preparing them, many in secret. Healing their hearts, releasing FRESH OIL, blowing that FRESH WIND from heaven (previous blog) and causing them to BELIEVE again!
And many, like Joseph, have been prepared with Godly wisdom and skills for the transference of wealth in the days ahead.
They walked onto the streets, and on each side of the street, doors were opening, just everywhere!
The sick, the lame, the terminally ill, were brought onto the streets and were IMMEDIATELY healed!
Sensing that there was more the Lord wanted to say to me, through the dream, I spent the next couple of hours in His presence asking about what I had seen and what else He wanted to show me.
The RICH colours
These represented the varied giftings and anointings that each one carried. As a group, they looked rather 'ragtag and bobtail' in their appearance. Their 'Joseph coats' were the only attractive thing about them. But that was the attraction.....HIM!
There was nothing of themselves, these were 'laid down lovers', the 'presence hungry' crowd, no longer living for themselves. The very presence of God, in them, oozed, a depth, a richness, of heavens abundance.
Each one functioned/flowed from their heart in whatever way the Holy Spirit chose.
Just as Genesis 37:32 states, that Joseph's coat was returned to his father, I sensed that a large proportion of those that I was seeing, were Fathers and Mothers. Many, HAD pastored, ministered, lead worship, wrote NEW songs, etc but had become tired. Tired of the system, tired of the enemies activities, tired of seemingly unfulfillment of prophecy etc. Just tired........
But they had returned to the Father......Holy Spirit has been preparing them, many in secret. Healing their hearts, releasing FRESH OIL, blowing that FRESH WIND from heaven (previous blog) and causing them to BELIEVE again!
And many, like Joseph, have been prepared with Godly wisdom and skills for the transference of wealth in the days ahead.
Saturday, 4 July 2015
As I was praying about the month of July I sensed that one of the things Father was showing me was the RELEASE of many that have been bound, particularly in the area of finance.
The month of JULY is the seventh month of the year. The number SEVEN represents COMPLETION. I saw that many are SHIFTING from OLD RYTHMS into NEW RYTHMS for the month of AUGUST. I saw lots of 'signing of contracts' properties, lands and needed finances released this month. A MOVING ON from the OLD to the NEW!
As you may remember, (previous blogs) at the beginning of this year, the Lord said to me that we would receive DOUBLE for our TROUBLE!
Zechariah 9:12 says, As prisoners of HOPE, GOD will restore DOUBLE unto us. That's just what He is doing right now!
As I drove my 'new' car through the gateway into the driveway this week, I declared, 'Narnia, welcome another CAMEL! Hallelujah! God is SO GOOD!' (Narnia, is what we call the dwelling place where Father led us to have a home). Also this week I purchased a bicycle!
A DOUBLE return of transport that I lost last year.
So, not only will this month be a closing of chapters, for many people, but for some your lives will become a like a whole NEW BOOK! The OLD has gone, the NEW has come!
I saw many had been burdened through difficulties, in relationships, in health, in finances, and had become DISTRACTED by all these things.
DISTRACTIONS can be very subtle, we can be so busy doing 'good' things but then we forfeit the flow and blessing of Fathers heart. Selah....
I see actual, NEW BOOKS, being written and published. A lot of NEW authors, as the 'NAMELESS & FACELESS' are called forth and released.
Lastly, I saw an AWAKENING through/in our senses. This morning I awoke to some sounds and smells of the SUPERNATURAL. He said that He is allowing an INCREASE in what we SEE, HEAR and SMELL. These increases, happenings, will change our HEARTS, which in turn, changes our MINDS; changes our MOUTHS.
'The words we speak become the house we live in'. (For those on Facebook you will see I have shown that poster) we be INCREASINGLY important in the days ahead. As we SPEAK the WORD of GOD such AUTHORITY and POWER will be seen that'll blow our socks off!
An AWAKENING of our HEARTS, our SENSES, our whole being, is part of PREPARATION of the GREATER AWAKENING that is coming to the WORLD!
Maybe take some extra time this week, with Him, as I'm sensing Father is just about bursting to encourage you with some things to come!
The month of JULY is the seventh month of the year. The number SEVEN represents COMPLETION. I saw that many are SHIFTING from OLD RYTHMS into NEW RYTHMS for the month of AUGUST. I saw lots of 'signing of contracts' properties, lands and needed finances released this month. A MOVING ON from the OLD to the NEW!
As you may remember, (previous blogs) at the beginning of this year, the Lord said to me that we would receive DOUBLE for our TROUBLE!
Zechariah 9:12 says, As prisoners of HOPE, GOD will restore DOUBLE unto us. That's just what He is doing right now!
As I drove my 'new' car through the gateway into the driveway this week, I declared, 'Narnia, welcome another CAMEL! Hallelujah! God is SO GOOD!' (Narnia, is what we call the dwelling place where Father led us to have a home). Also this week I purchased a bicycle!
A DOUBLE return of transport that I lost last year.
So, not only will this month be a closing of chapters, for many people, but for some your lives will become a like a whole NEW BOOK! The OLD has gone, the NEW has come!
I saw many had been burdened through difficulties, in relationships, in health, in finances, and had become DISTRACTED by all these things.
DISTRACTIONS can be very subtle, we can be so busy doing 'good' things but then we forfeit the flow and blessing of Fathers heart. Selah....
I see actual, NEW BOOKS, being written and published. A lot of NEW authors, as the 'NAMELESS & FACELESS' are called forth and released.
Lastly, I saw an AWAKENING through/in our senses. This morning I awoke to some sounds and smells of the SUPERNATURAL. He said that He is allowing an INCREASE in what we SEE, HEAR and SMELL. These increases, happenings, will change our HEARTS, which in turn, changes our MINDS; changes our MOUTHS.
'The words we speak become the house we live in'. (For those on Facebook you will see I have shown that poster) we be INCREASINGLY important in the days ahead. As we SPEAK the WORD of GOD such AUTHORITY and POWER will be seen that'll blow our socks off!
An AWAKENING of our HEARTS, our SENSES, our whole being, is part of PREPARATION of the GREATER AWAKENING that is coming to the WORLD!
Maybe take some extra time this week, with Him, as I'm sensing Father is just about bursting to encourage you with some things to come!
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Last week while I was reading 2 Kings the Lord spoke to me about PREPARATION.
In 2 Kings 3:16/17 we read that the Lord said to the Israelites to 'Make this valley full of ditches.'
'You shall not see WIND or RAIN yet, that valley shall be filled with WATER that you may DRINK, both you, your cattle and beasts.'
The Israelites had to DIG FIRST in order to see the fulfilment of the Lords promise.
Then I was reminded of the WIDOW'S OIL in 2 Kings 4 where Elisha asked the widow (who was in debt and the creditors were coming to collect her sons) what she had in her house. And she replied, that she had nothing, 'except a little oil.'
That 'little oil' was not a 'little thing'. It represented the power of God!
Firstly, the widow had to MAKE ROOM for her miracle. She was being PREPARED! Elisha told her to collect EMPTY JARS from her neighbours. Not just a few! Then go inside and SHUT THE DOOR. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.
The widow, is completely obedient to Elisha's word. Verse 6 says: When ALL the jars were FULL, she said to her son, 'Bring me another one.' To which he replies, 'There is not a jar left.' THEN THE OIL STOPPED FLOWING.....
Verse 7 tells us that she then goes and tells the man of God, and Elisha says, 'Go sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.'
From these two accounts Father spoke to me and said that many, many of His children are, and have been, in a time of serious preparation. He has been teaching us that He, and He alone, is our supply. I sensed that it had grieved His heart that many of His own we're still trying to 'make a way' by themselves. When all the time, He has been preparing us for WHAT IS TO COME!
Note that it wasn't until the ditches had been dug - or until the jars had been gathered; the widow had shut herself in with her sons, and she began to POUR OUT her 'little amount' that the MIRACLE happened. The oil did not run out of her little pot to encourage her to pour, NO, she BELIEVED that as the jars were gathered and she lifted her little pot, that the OIL would come!
Every trial that comes to us is but a need for Him to fill and an opportunity for Him to SHOW what only HE can be to us and do for us.
Over this past month I have been personally preparing for what He has shown me is to come. As many as the prophets have prophesied, we are in for some AMAZING days ahead! Some of this I have been privileged to see for myself through dreams and open visions. (Not everything is for sharing). But...as we ALLOW HIM to bring us to the place of John the beloved, leaning upon His chest, listening to His heartbeat, flowing with the Heavenly rhythms, we will in deed see this mighty move of God over the nations! Hallelujah Jesus!
So, count it all Joy! As He is preparing YOU! I sensed that some have almost given up, turned back, as they hadn't yet seen the fulfilment of His promises. For some it's been years believing His promises, and at times, they've doubted the GOODNESS of God. Well, heads up lovelies, here comes the ABUNDANCE of Heaven in your circumstances π. ITS TIME π
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
As I was preparing to speak at an Intercessors/watchmen gathering last week, I was looking out of my window and could see the trees being moved about by the wind. God reminded me about the FRESH WIND COMING, that I'd blogged about on the 8th May this year.
My thoughts were, that this is a NEW season, where many 'shifts' are happening, but I believe that something greater, something new is coming. I know that He is continuing to tenderise our hearts, allowing circumstances in our lives to often linger, it seems, as we continue to lean upon Him, our lives truly become His. In Him, we live and move and have our being.
As I was continuing to watch the trees and catching the thoughts from His heart, I could here the movement of some of the trees. Then the scripture came to mind about the Balsam trees in 2 Samuel:5 beginning at verse 17.
The Philistines had heard that David had been anointed King over Israel. (During David's 7 year reign over Hebron, the Philistines weren't too concerned about his Kingship until he became King over Israel). They went up in full force to search for him, and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim. In this valley Balsam/Mulberry trees grew in groves.
David asks the Lord whether he should go up to the Philistines; whether God will hand them over to him. God says to David that he should go up and He will hand them over to him.
Verse 20: David came to Baalperazim, David smote them there, and said, The Lord has broken forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of waters. Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim which means, Master of Breakthroughs!
In verse 22 we read that the Philistines came up again and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim.
David, enquires of the Lord (love that he doesn't assume anything from his previous victories) and the Lord says, 'Do not go straight up, but circle round behind them and come upon them in front of the balsam trees. As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move quickly, because that will mean that the Lord has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army.' David did as the Lord commanded.
Several little flags up here.
I read that the balsam tree is a species of Aspen, most likely the Populus Euphratica native to Israel and the Middle East and can grow as high as 45 ft with spreading branches. The word Populus Euphratica is derived from the trees ancient Latin name, Arbor Populi which means, the People's Tree. The Israelites were Gods chosen people - like us, He had promised to dwell with them. And here, we see that God chose the wind, to blow through these trees so that the leaves rustling and branches rubbing against each other CREATED a sound like men marching!!
This sound, was so loud, that the Philistine army THOUGHT that a huge Israelite army was advancing toward them. So terrified, were they, that they fled! How awesome is that!?!
God will chose HOW He wants to do things. I see a great unravelling of 'mans' plans as we see God moving in the nations.
David, enquires of the Lord, again and again. How easy for him as a great leader of a great army with God on his side, just to plan.....to make his own decisions. But no, David looks to his God, our God, to lead him and to protect him, rather than relying upon his army. David looks to the one, who knows all things, sees all things and plans all things according to His good, pleasing and perfect will.
We can rest in that. The God of the Angel armies, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the God of David, is the same God, our God, our Abba. If He chooses to cause the WIND to blow in the tops of the trees in order to save David and the Israelites He certainly can bring this FRESH WIND that's coming over the nations, releasing His heart, His love, His plans, causing the prodigals to return to their Papa, and so much more than we can even ask or think!
Hallelujah Jesus! Glory to God!
My thoughts were, that this is a NEW season, where many 'shifts' are happening, but I believe that something greater, something new is coming. I know that He is continuing to tenderise our hearts, allowing circumstances in our lives to often linger, it seems, as we continue to lean upon Him, our lives truly become His. In Him, we live and move and have our being.
As I was continuing to watch the trees and catching the thoughts from His heart, I could here the movement of some of the trees. Then the scripture came to mind about the Balsam trees in 2 Samuel:5 beginning at verse 17.
The Philistines had heard that David had been anointed King over Israel. (During David's 7 year reign over Hebron, the Philistines weren't too concerned about his Kingship until he became King over Israel). They went up in full force to search for him, and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim. In this valley Balsam/Mulberry trees grew in groves.
David asks the Lord whether he should go up to the Philistines; whether God will hand them over to him. God says to David that he should go up and He will hand them over to him.
Verse 20: David came to Baalperazim, David smote them there, and said, The Lord has broken forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of waters. Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim which means, Master of Breakthroughs!
In verse 22 we read that the Philistines came up again and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim.
David, enquires of the Lord (love that he doesn't assume anything from his previous victories) and the Lord says, 'Do not go straight up, but circle round behind them and come upon them in front of the balsam trees. As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move quickly, because that will mean that the Lord has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army.' David did as the Lord commanded.
Several little flags up here.
I read that the balsam tree is a species of Aspen, most likely the Populus Euphratica native to Israel and the Middle East and can grow as high as 45 ft with spreading branches. The word Populus Euphratica is derived from the trees ancient Latin name, Arbor Populi which means, the People's Tree. The Israelites were Gods chosen people - like us, He had promised to dwell with them. And here, we see that God chose the wind, to blow through these trees so that the leaves rustling and branches rubbing against each other CREATED a sound like men marching!!
This sound, was so loud, that the Philistine army THOUGHT that a huge Israelite army was advancing toward them. So terrified, were they, that they fled! How awesome is that!?!
God will chose HOW He wants to do things. I see a great unravelling of 'mans' plans as we see God moving in the nations.
David, enquires of the Lord, again and again. How easy for him as a great leader of a great army with God on his side, just to plan.....to make his own decisions. But no, David looks to his God, our God, to lead him and to protect him, rather than relying upon his army. David looks to the one, who knows all things, sees all things and plans all things according to His good, pleasing and perfect will.
We can rest in that. The God of the Angel armies, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the God of David, is the same God, our God, our Abba. If He chooses to cause the WIND to blow in the tops of the trees in order to save David and the Israelites He certainly can bring this FRESH WIND that's coming over the nations, releasing His heart, His love, His plans, causing the prodigals to return to their Papa, and so much more than we can even ask or think!
Hallelujah Jesus! Glory to God!
Monday, 1 June 2015
I was awake at sunrise this morning and went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Waiting for the kettle to boil I was looking out of the kitchen window I could see the richness, the abundance of the season. All the beautiful trees, hedges and flowers, lush and green, bursting with life - blooming where they stood. Then the Lord spoke to me.
He reminded me that today is the first day of June. Then, JUNE is a time to BLOOM!
I sensed that an ease, a rest, is coming to many this month particularly in the area of finances. I saw many who have struggled for a long time believing, believing, believing but with often little evidence of the fullness, the John 10:10 life that Father has promised.
As I was unable to blog this up early this morning, due to our internet server being 'down' I continued reading from where I left off last night from 1 Kings.
Part of 1 Kings 10 speaks of a MULTIPLICATION of WEALTH and a MULTIPLICATION of HORSES (this particular account tells us of the abundance that was released to King Solomon) but the Lord was saying to me, 'Expect to see the Multiplications!'
It was a while back that the Lord spoke to many of us, about the CAMELS coming. Personally, I received a few small camels! But for many; the Camels never arrived! While I was making coffee a little later this morning, I picked up my 'Camel Mug' which was given to me by a friend, as a prophetic sign of remembrance of what the Lord had said at that time. And again, He reminded me, of His promises. The Camels are coming, some have been delayed while the preparations of hearts have been in progress π
At the same time, I was reminded of His promise regarding the 'KEYS TO UNLOCK THE DOOR' (please see previous blog) He has already released the keys to unlock the finances needed for the ENLARGEMENT, the INCREASE of SEED, (in order to SOW) and for some, the PREPARATION OF HEART to oversee the transference of WEALTH into the KINGDOM OF GOD.
So, to summarise, what the Lord was saying to me regarding the month of JUNE:
He reminded me that today is the first day of June. Then, JUNE is a time to BLOOM!
I sensed that an ease, a rest, is coming to many this month particularly in the area of finances. I saw many who have struggled for a long time believing, believing, believing but with often little evidence of the fullness, the John 10:10 life that Father has promised.
As I was unable to blog this up early this morning, due to our internet server being 'down' I continued reading from where I left off last night from 1 Kings.
Part of 1 Kings 10 speaks of a MULTIPLICATION of WEALTH and a MULTIPLICATION of HORSES (this particular account tells us of the abundance that was released to King Solomon) but the Lord was saying to me, 'Expect to see the Multiplications!'
It was a while back that the Lord spoke to many of us, about the CAMELS coming. Personally, I received a few small camels! But for many; the Camels never arrived! While I was making coffee a little later this morning, I picked up my 'Camel Mug' which was given to me by a friend, as a prophetic sign of remembrance of what the Lord had said at that time. And again, He reminded me, of His promises. The Camels are coming, some have been delayed while the preparations of hearts have been in progress π
At the same time, I was reminded of His promise regarding the 'KEYS TO UNLOCK THE DOOR' (please see previous blog) He has already released the keys to unlock the finances needed for the ENLARGEMENT, the INCREASE of SEED, (in order to SOW) and for some, the PREPARATION OF HEART to oversee the transference of WEALTH into the KINGDOM OF GOD.
So, to summarise, what the Lord was saying to me regarding the month of JUNE:
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Talking with Father last week I was praying for a friends and others in His family that have been struggling one way or another. At the same time, I am aware that many of us have also been in a serious time of preparation. Embracing the journey; albeit just hanging on in there at times!
Then Holy Spirit spoke to me with this scripture: Song of Solomon3:9
'Of the wood of Lebanon, Solomon the King made himself a PALANQUIN having silver pillars with gold supports. It's seat was purple, it's interior paved with LOVE by the daughters of Jerusalem.'
In those days, a palanquin was simply a mode of transport, carried by servants. The 'important' person would be completely shut away inside, choosing to look out, if they so wished.
What God was showing me, was that He has been 'panlanquining' his sons and daughters. Causing them to 'shut themselves in' with just Him. No distractions! This enabling them to drink freely from His heart, receiving His love, getting to know Him more intimately; learning how to live 'from above' walking with Father day by day. Knowing, without doubt, that we belong exclusively to Him.
By being 'shut in' our hearts are enlarged! We see more clearly His plans, His purposes, His heart for ourselves and for the world.
In my mind I could visualise how Solomons palanquin looked. Must have been very beautiful with the silver, gold and purple. Then, it says, 'It's interior paved with LOVE by the daughters of Jerusalem'. And that's exactly how our interiors need to be, paved with love, His love.
Then I could see myself in a palanquin. Wherever it went I could be 'shut in' with Him. Wherever I travelled, once I knew how to be 'shut in' nothing else mattered. I was fully protected, in some places, completely unseen by people! But living and moving from an amazing place of oneness, releasing ALL that He choose to impart, to give, to shift, to change, to heal and to raise from the dead!
Exciting days ahead! Seeing and doing whatever Father is showing us. John 5:19
Then Holy Spirit spoke to me with this scripture: Song of Solomon3:9
'Of the wood of Lebanon, Solomon the King made himself a PALANQUIN having silver pillars with gold supports. It's seat was purple, it's interior paved with LOVE by the daughters of Jerusalem.'
In those days, a palanquin was simply a mode of transport, carried by servants. The 'important' person would be completely shut away inside, choosing to look out, if they so wished.
What God was showing me, was that He has been 'panlanquining' his sons and daughters. Causing them to 'shut themselves in' with just Him. No distractions! This enabling them to drink freely from His heart, receiving His love, getting to know Him more intimately; learning how to live 'from above' walking with Father day by day. Knowing, without doubt, that we belong exclusively to Him.
By being 'shut in' our hearts are enlarged! We see more clearly His plans, His purposes, His heart for ourselves and for the world.
In my mind I could visualise how Solomons palanquin looked. Must have been very beautiful with the silver, gold and purple. Then, it says, 'It's interior paved with LOVE by the daughters of Jerusalem'. And that's exactly how our interiors need to be, paved with love, His love.
Then I could see myself in a palanquin. Wherever it went I could be 'shut in' with Him. Wherever I travelled, once I knew how to be 'shut in' nothing else mattered. I was fully protected, in some places, completely unseen by people! But living and moving from an amazing place of oneness, releasing ALL that He choose to impart, to give, to shift, to change, to heal and to raise from the dead!
Exciting days ahead! Seeing and doing whatever Father is showing us. John 5:19
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
This morning I woke up to hear the birds singing and with Psalm 34 upon my heart. This psalm of David is headed 'Seek the Lord' in my bible.
'I will bless the Lord at ALL times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth'
I was sensing that many are finding this difficult in their current circumstances. There are questions that don't seem to be answered, they are struggling through pain and prayer, at times wondering where the hec God is? Prayers have been consistent, but as yet.....the answer has not arrived. The manifestation of promises, seems to be dragging its feet!
So, what do we do in those circumstances? When there's such a battle between our hearts and minds. When 'blessing the Lord at ALL times' seems so difficult; when our hearts feel so heavy. When we KNOW the JOY of the Lord is our strength and yet our 'couch is watered with tears' Psalm 6:6
We purposely 'RAISE OUR GAZE' we continue to look to Him. Our communion with Heaven maybe just an occasional 'thank you' throughout the day. (This has been a personal experience)
Verse 3: 'O magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together.'
Grab a few worshipful friends together, begin to gaze upon Him; REST in His presence. See what He is saying about your circumstances. Love on one another as a family should, as He intended.
'The praise of one Christian is accepted before God as a grain of incense, but the praise of many is like a censer full of frankincense, wafting its smoke before the Lord'. Charles Spurgeon
Let HOPE arise....
Verse 15: 'The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry'
Verse 19: 'Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivers him out of them all'
Whatever our circumstance, whatever our situation, this I know; that He is our Deliverer, He is our Hope, He is our Father and HE HAS got this! π
'I will bless the Lord at ALL times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth'
I was sensing that many are finding this difficult in their current circumstances. There are questions that don't seem to be answered, they are struggling through pain and prayer, at times wondering where the hec God is? Prayers have been consistent, but as yet.....the answer has not arrived. The manifestation of promises, seems to be dragging its feet!
So, what do we do in those circumstances? When there's such a battle between our hearts and minds. When 'blessing the Lord at ALL times' seems so difficult; when our hearts feel so heavy. When we KNOW the JOY of the Lord is our strength and yet our 'couch is watered with tears' Psalm 6:6
We purposely 'RAISE OUR GAZE' we continue to look to Him. Our communion with Heaven maybe just an occasional 'thank you' throughout the day. (This has been a personal experience)
Verse 3: 'O magnify the Lord with me, And let us exalt His name together.'
Grab a few worshipful friends together, begin to gaze upon Him; REST in His presence. See what He is saying about your circumstances. Love on one another as a family should, as He intended.
'The praise of one Christian is accepted before God as a grain of incense, but the praise of many is like a censer full of frankincense, wafting its smoke before the Lord'. Charles Spurgeon
Let HOPE arise....
Verse 15: 'The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry'
Verse 19: 'Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivers him out of them all'
Whatever our circumstance, whatever our situation, this I know; that He is our Deliverer, He is our Hope, He is our Father and HE HAS got this! π
Friday, 8 May 2015
I see glimpses of a new era.
There is a restless wind, a fresh wind, a stirring happening. Watching the trees from my window, I see the wind causing them to bend and bow down, they're losing leaves and the 'twig' like branches; their roots going deeper into the earth that they stand on.
This fresh wind is blowing away all the old stuff!!
Fresh oil, fresh flowers, fresh bread are some of the fragrances I've had the pleasure of receiving this week. Reminding and confirming to me about the NEW that Father wants to release, both personally and corporately.
Sadly I saw many hanging on to the 'good old days', a 'this is the way we do it!' mentality. Fearing the change, some unsure of His love, His leading, His Fathering. Trust Him.....it's all good.
This fresh wind is bringing what we haven't experienced before. It's encouraging sons and daughters to come forward, to blossom, to bloom, to step out of the boat, to be brave! To rise up on Eagles wings and soar! And to BELIEVE again that what He has said, He will do!
Isaiah 43:19
There is a restless wind, a fresh wind, a stirring happening. Watching the trees from my window, I see the wind causing them to bend and bow down, they're losing leaves and the 'twig' like branches; their roots going deeper into the earth that they stand on.
This fresh wind is blowing away all the old stuff!!
Fresh oil, fresh flowers, fresh bread are some of the fragrances I've had the pleasure of receiving this week. Reminding and confirming to me about the NEW that Father wants to release, both personally and corporately.
Sadly I saw many hanging on to the 'good old days', a 'this is the way we do it!' mentality. Fearing the change, some unsure of His love, His leading, His Fathering. Trust Him.....it's all good.
This fresh wind is bringing what we haven't experienced before. It's encouraging sons and daughters to come forward, to blossom, to bloom, to step out of the boat, to be brave! To rise up on Eagles wings and soar! And to BELIEVE again that what He has said, He will do!
Isaiah 43:19
Monday, 4 May 2015
05-05-15 - MAY'S ABUNDANCE
Waking early this morning to the sound of birds singing, then opening the curtains to see the Cherry blossom, like confetti, being blown all over the garden, I was reminded of one of the words that God gave me regarding the month of May, during my time in the Czech Republic.
The month of MAY is a month of HEALING. Physical healings manifesting! I could see many of Gods children struggling to hang on to His promises, the prophetic words, words of encouragement, as day by day, the manifestation of their healing hadn't been seen.
He showed me that He is using the journeying of their lives and the situations they've encountered, as a means to reveal Himself, His character, His heart to them. I want to encourage anyone in these circumstances to continue to give Him thanks until your healing has manifested and is complete π
Also, today is the 5th day of the 5th month 2015.
Five being the number of Grace- Grace, Grace, abundance (10:10) and Grace. Just sensing an increase of the awareness of His presence about today too!
At the beginning of the year God said to me that this year many will receive 'DOUBLE FOR THEIR TROUBLE.' Isaiah 61:7 says: 'Instead of your shame you shall have DOUBLE honour. And instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land, they shall POSSESS DOUBLE. Everlasting joy shall be theirs.'
I could see double (two houses) on people's land. Double portions released to those walking intimately with Him, such an abundance, that there was plenty to give away! (Reminded me of Acts 2 when no one was in need). Sons & daughters - Kingdom mindsets π
I also sensed that many were feeling almost embarrassed regarding their 'lack' of healing. So many have received so much prayer and ministry that they have been seriously thinking about giving up!
Discouraged, with the enemy slithering around, hissing, 'Did God say?' Have sown seeds of doubt into many hearts. But....God ALWAYS has the last word! He will bring what He has promised, trust Him.
This morning as I woke up to the birds singing; drawing back the curtains, I saw beautiful Cherry blossom being blown about by the wind all over the garden. It looked like confetti and reminded me of a wedding; and that WE are being prepared for our beloved π
HE works ALL things together for good - Romans 8:28
The month of MAY is a month of HEALING. Physical healings manifesting! I could see many of Gods children struggling to hang on to His promises, the prophetic words, words of encouragement, as day by day, the manifestation of their healing hadn't been seen.
He showed me that He is using the journeying of their lives and the situations they've encountered, as a means to reveal Himself, His character, His heart to them. I want to encourage anyone in these circumstances to continue to give Him thanks until your healing has manifested and is complete π
Also, today is the 5th day of the 5th month 2015.
Five being the number of Grace- Grace, Grace, abundance (10:10) and Grace. Just sensing an increase of the awareness of His presence about today too!
At the beginning of the year God said to me that this year many will receive 'DOUBLE FOR THEIR TROUBLE.' Isaiah 61:7 says: 'Instead of your shame you shall have DOUBLE honour. And instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land, they shall POSSESS DOUBLE. Everlasting joy shall be theirs.'
I could see double (two houses) on people's land. Double portions released to those walking intimately with Him, such an abundance, that there was plenty to give away! (Reminded me of Acts 2 when no one was in need). Sons & daughters - Kingdom mindsets π
I also sensed that many were feeling almost embarrassed regarding their 'lack' of healing. So many have received so much prayer and ministry that they have been seriously thinking about giving up!
Discouraged, with the enemy slithering around, hissing, 'Did God say?' Have sown seeds of doubt into many hearts. But....God ALWAYS has the last word! He will bring what He has promised, trust Him.
This morning as I woke up to the birds singing; drawing back the curtains, I saw beautiful Cherry blossom being blown about by the wind all over the garden. It looked like confetti and reminded me of a wedding; and that WE are being prepared for our beloved π
HE works ALL things together for good - Romans 8:28
Monday, 20 April 2015
'Until I, Deborah, arose,
Arose a mother in Israel.' Judges 5:7
I was drawn to this scripture yesterday, as I was spending 'time out' with God. He was showing me that the Deborah's are rising! Deborah's with a Mother's Heart and a soldier's strength.
Read the account of Deborah in the book of Judges; she was a great woman of destiny. Called by God as the only female judge in Israel. She had the ability to HEAR, and the COURAGE to ACT, upon what God said.
I love how she reminds Barak of what the Lord had said, (Judges 4:6/7) when it was time for Israel to stand up to King Jabin. We read that Barak refused to go to war without Deborah, so she went to war with him, revealing to him God's strategy for victory.
In the same way, today, God is raising up and releasing women, like Deborah with a prophetic voice, strength, discernment for battle with a courageous heart!
Currently, I am in the Czech Republic and Father is showing me some things to come; we are in the most amazing days. Many people, also, are praying here regarding the information we are receiving concerning the enemies of God; invading and slaughtering innocents in the nations. But....God has a plan! The Deborah's of God are coming forth, leaning upon their beloved, listening to Him, being obedient to His strategies and releasing the love of the Father to the nations.
Psalm 2 says, 'Ask ME' God says, 'and I will give you the NATIONS as your inheritance'.
Let's be 'ASKERS' π
God was also reminding me of a time whilst in Europe in 2009 when I received an open vision.
He showed me a LOVE ARMY travelling across Europe (more details in a previous blog and in my book 'All Things') this army had no guns, because what they carried, was so much more; Immeasurable! They were Supernaturally empowered π
I encourage you today, to remember what God has said to YOU, personally. Remember the dreams and visions He has given to you. He has NOT forgotten them. Bring them into prayer again, into conversation again, BELIEVE what He has said and joyfully see them come to pass.
Glory to God! He is simply 'The best dad in the whole world!' Rick Pino song π
Arose a mother in Israel.' Judges 5:7
I was drawn to this scripture yesterday, as I was spending 'time out' with God. He was showing me that the Deborah's are rising! Deborah's with a Mother's Heart and a soldier's strength.
Read the account of Deborah in the book of Judges; she was a great woman of destiny. Called by God as the only female judge in Israel. She had the ability to HEAR, and the COURAGE to ACT, upon what God said.
I love how she reminds Barak of what the Lord had said, (Judges 4:6/7) when it was time for Israel to stand up to King Jabin. We read that Barak refused to go to war without Deborah, so she went to war with him, revealing to him God's strategy for victory.
In the same way, today, God is raising up and releasing women, like Deborah with a prophetic voice, strength, discernment for battle with a courageous heart!
Currently, I am in the Czech Republic and Father is showing me some things to come; we are in the most amazing days. Many people, also, are praying here regarding the information we are receiving concerning the enemies of God; invading and slaughtering innocents in the nations. But....God has a plan! The Deborah's of God are coming forth, leaning upon their beloved, listening to Him, being obedient to His strategies and releasing the love of the Father to the nations.
Psalm 2 says, 'Ask ME' God says, 'and I will give you the NATIONS as your inheritance'.
Let's be 'ASKERS' π
God was also reminding me of a time whilst in Europe in 2009 when I received an open vision.
He showed me a LOVE ARMY travelling across Europe (more details in a previous blog and in my book 'All Things') this army had no guns, because what they carried, was so much more; Immeasurable! They were Supernaturally empowered π
I encourage you today, to remember what God has said to YOU, personally. Remember the dreams and visions He has given to you. He has NOT forgotten them. Bring them into prayer again, into conversation again, BELIEVE what He has said and joyfully see them come to pass.
Glory to God! He is simply 'The best dad in the whole world!' Rick Pino song π
This morning when I awoke, the Lord reminded me of a picture I had seen on face book. I will put it on my page today. It's a picture of a shower of rain falling on coloured umbrellas. He said that this month, in particular, we will see 'showers of blessings.' Like little kisses from heaven π
It's important that we take the time to position our hearts to receive; to drink in, to absorb the rain.
Then I was reminded of the scripture Joel 2:23
'Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come for you - the former rain, and the latter rain, in the first month.'
The Life Application Bible interprets this as:
'For the rains he sends are an expression of His grace, once more the autumn rains will come aswell as the spring rains.'
I see showers, outpourings of blessings of abundance on God's children as we continue to receive and to soak in His presence. π
Monday, 30 March 2015
Over the last twenty four hours, I keep seeing the most gorgeous colourful ribbons, bows and beautiful buttons. Earlier today whilst sharing this with a friend, I sensed the Lord saying that a further upgrade is imminent! One of my thoughts was, in times gone by only ladies with considerable means, would have worn dresses, jackets, hats and coats with beautiful buttons and bows upon them. But, Our Father, chooses for us, ALL of us, to receive these ribbons, buttons and bows upon our clothing. And not just the ladies! He is clothing us, in the most gorgeous apparel.
Then tonight, I'm drawn to read the book of Esther, where she was prepared and made ready to meet her future husband, King Ahasuerus. We read in the fifth chapter, that Esther put on her royal apparel and stood in the inner court of the King's palace, there the King notices her; holds out the golden scepter that was in his hand; he is so pleased to see her and goes on to offer her half of his kingdom!
I'm sensing somewhere in all this, ENLARGEMENT is happening! We have, and are, being prepared for 'such a time as this' just as Esther was, in order to bring about the plans and purposes of heaven. The transference of wealth is coming and His sons and daughters will not be dressed as paupers scratching around to make ends meet!
Personally, this past week I have seen so many confirming signs and wonders as Father brings about His glorious plans and presence into the hearts of His children.
For those becoming a bit weary in all this process, chin up! Be open to what He says and how He is leading. Maybe spend some extra time with Him this week, deepening intimacy......
AND.....enjoy the upgrade of ribbons, bows and buttons!
For some, things will be coming to a close, a buttoning up. Others, an un buttoning, a release into the NEW that He has been speaking to you about.
I also see many have been prepared to meet with prominent people, both in governmental realms and those with celebrity status too. Trust Him to fill your mouth with the right things to say at the right time. He has promised that. What a thrill to see people receiving the revelation of Father's love and knowing that wonderful assurance that they are truly loved π
Then tonight, I'm drawn to read the book of Esther, where she was prepared and made ready to meet her future husband, King Ahasuerus. We read in the fifth chapter, that Esther put on her royal apparel and stood in the inner court of the King's palace, there the King notices her; holds out the golden scepter that was in his hand; he is so pleased to see her and goes on to offer her half of his kingdom!
I'm sensing somewhere in all this, ENLARGEMENT is happening! We have, and are, being prepared for 'such a time as this' just as Esther was, in order to bring about the plans and purposes of heaven. The transference of wealth is coming and His sons and daughters will not be dressed as paupers scratching around to make ends meet!
Personally, this past week I have seen so many confirming signs and wonders as Father brings about His glorious plans and presence into the hearts of His children.
For those becoming a bit weary in all this process, chin up! Be open to what He says and how He is leading. Maybe spend some extra time with Him this week, deepening intimacy......
AND.....enjoy the upgrade of ribbons, bows and buttons!
For some, things will be coming to a close, a buttoning up. Others, an un buttoning, a release into the NEW that He has been speaking to you about.
I also see many have been prepared to meet with prominent people, both in governmental realms and those with celebrity status too. Trust Him to fill your mouth with the right things to say at the right time. He has promised that. What a thrill to see people receiving the revelation of Father's love and knowing that wonderful assurance that they are truly loved π
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Today is Palm Sunday. Many Churches, Schools and gatherings celebrate this day by re-enacting the time when Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem. Mark 11
Thinking about that this morning, I was reminded of something I shared at a Prophetic day last year.
Taken from 1 Samuel 9
A man named Kish had lost his donkeys and sent his son, Saul with a servant, to find them. They travelled three days without finding them and Saul suggests to his servant, about heading back home.
Thinking that his Father would be more concerned about where they are than about the donkeys!
In verse 5 we read the servant says: 'Not so fast, there's a Holy man in this town. He carries a lot of weight around here. What he says is always right on the mark. Maybe he can tell us where to go.'
Saul replies that he has nothing to give to this Holy man but the servant happened to have a silver coin! (Love God's 'happenings') So, Saul and the servant enter the city; ask a group of women where the Seer is and then in verse 14 we read that they bump into one another!
THE DAY BEFORE God had confided in Samuel, the seer, telling him that 'This time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him Commander over my people Israel, that he may save My people from the hand of the Philistines; for I have looked upon my people, because their cry has come to me.'
When Samuel saw Saul, the Lord said to him, 'There he is, the man of whom I spoke to you. This one shall reign over my people.'
Then.....I love verse 19, Samuel says, 'I'm the Seer, come with me to the Shrine and I will TELL YOU WHATS ON YOUR MIND and send you on your way. And by the way, YOUR LOST DONKEYS, the ones you have been looking for the last three days, they have been found, so don't worry about them. At this moment, Israels future is in your hands!'
This morning, my thoughts were Father KNOWS everything that we are concerned about. He KNOWS all our needs, our anxieties, when we fret! (Just keeping it real!) and when we are so busy, busy, busy looking for 'LOST DONKEYS' when all the while HE has a much larger plan for us!
Last year when I was sharing this, God showed me that we will see large numbers of Prophetic
Hubs, like the Guild of Prophets mentioned in the book of Samuel where the sons/daughters of God will be sought out, releasing the words, plans and strategies of God to all those that are hungry and particularly to those that have 'lost their way.'
I'm off to walk through those gates I mentioned yesterday. And remember, that even if we've wandered off looking for the donkeys, in His great love for us, He will see to it that we continually 'stumble' across His divine connections and will keep us on track as He prepares us for what is coming! π π
π π
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Whilst having a morning with the Lord yesterday, well, that was my intention, a guy knocked the door to inform me that he would be working in the field the other side of our garage and replacing a style with a new gate. In fact, he would be erecting FIVE gates across the fields opening up a walking route that should be there. Interesting.....
Immediately, I sensed the Lord saying that many have felt enclosed, (one interpretation for a gate is: 'an opening permitting passage through an enclosure') even trapped, physically, financially and/or spiritually. But He, God, is opening up the way. He is erecting NEW GATES, bringing release, into NEW things! Isaiah 43 18/19
I could see new properties, buildings, established buildings being enlarged and land being added to land. All speaks of an enlargement coming!
For here, FIVE gates being erected speaks of a much greater opening that brings an anointing of ease across the land. An ease with Him being known. Or as we might say, heaven invading the earth. This Year I have already sensed many shifts as I have prayed and interceded over the nations.
As I was journalling this last night, I was seeing PATHWAYS being opened up across the UK and other nations. He is SO making a way for His sons and daughters π this also reminded me of a vision I received whilst in Canada in 2010:
I could see golden lines across the nations. From Canada, the UK, Czech Republic and many other nations, connecting with one another. At first, I thought they were train tracks, or road ways then realised these were God's PATHWAYS, some are actual roadways and some are connections. In the vision the lines were almost like a web. Connecting.....connecting.....connecting bringing together His plans and purposes. I remember feeling a deep assurance that all is well. He has got this! And we weren't to fret or worry (Philippians 4) or to be afraid, rather to LISTEN, to SEE and then to ACT on what He says, on what He shows us and to remain in His peace π
Last Friday I returned from shopping; drank my free coffee in the jeep and carried a few bags to my front door. As I turned the key, as usual, the door wouldn't unlock! I pit everything on the ground and took the key out and tried again. For the next twenty minutes, I tried everything!?! Including praying over it, of course. I decided to collect all the shopping and carried it to the front door.
So.....here I am on a Friday afternoon at the only entrance to the house with ALL my shopping on the ground, the keys in my hand, a door in front of me...that for no reason, right now, has decided not to unlock!
In my life, 'nothing just happens' I believe ALL things happen for a reason after all, it is God who is with me, He is my life. I thought for a bit.....I have the key - this is the door that it unlocks - so the mechanism in the lock is not lining up. The frozen bits of shopping are beginning to defrost and I need this door to open. The thought came to me, SHOUT FREEDOM to the LOCK!
I took a step back, looked at the door and said, 'Here we go door, you ARE coming open!' Then I shouted 'In the name of Jesus I speak FREEDOM to this lock!' Turned the key and it opened! Hallelujah! What a relief!
I carried all the bags of shopping in and decided to spray my cooking oil ( my useful little tool for anything that squeaks!) into the lock.
Writing this up in my journal later that day, I realised, yet again, the importance of the prayer/words for the moment. I HAD prayed, rebuked, blessed the door, the lock, the key!?! I HAD tried leaning in on the door, pulling it out, handle up, handle down! All of that. Then, when I stopped all my trying.....heavens instruction came amd the door opened.
I sensed that many of us have felt frustrated as we are holding the keys, and some believing they haven't got the right key, the door is in front of us but we have seemed unable to go through.
Then when I thought to oil it, I sensed that God was saying that many have old dreams and visions that have become 'rusty' they've believed that maybe that wasn't God and they have become old memories. No...oil the dreams, speak to the dry bones, bring them back to pray before God and see what happens. He has given us the keys.....lets use them!
So.....here I am on a Friday afternoon at the only entrance to the house with ALL my shopping on the ground, the keys in my hand, a door in front of me...that for no reason, right now, has decided not to unlock!
In my life, 'nothing just happens' I believe ALL things happen for a reason after all, it is God who is with me, He is my life. I thought for a bit.....I have the key - this is the door that it unlocks - so the mechanism in the lock is not lining up. The frozen bits of shopping are beginning to defrost and I need this door to open. The thought came to me, SHOUT FREEDOM to the LOCK!
I took a step back, looked at the door and said, 'Here we go door, you ARE coming open!' Then I shouted 'In the name of Jesus I speak FREEDOM to this lock!' Turned the key and it opened! Hallelujah! What a relief!
I carried all the bags of shopping in and decided to spray my cooking oil ( my useful little tool for anything that squeaks!) into the lock.
Writing this up in my journal later that day, I realised, yet again, the importance of the prayer/words for the moment. I HAD prayed, rebuked, blessed the door, the lock, the key!?! I HAD tried leaning in on the door, pulling it out, handle up, handle down! All of that. Then, when I stopped all my trying.....heavens instruction came amd the door opened.
I sensed that many of us have felt frustrated as we are holding the keys, and some believing they haven't got the right key, the door is in front of us but we have seemed unable to go through.
Then when I thought to oil it, I sensed that God was saying that many have old dreams and visions that have become 'rusty' they've believed that maybe that wasn't God and they have become old memories. No...oil the dreams, speak to the dry bones, bring them back to pray before God and see what happens. He has given us the keys.....lets use them!
Saturday, 21 March 2015
At the beginning of this month I was speaking at one of my Heart to Heart weekends. On the Sunday morning, I was awake early when the Lord spoke to me from the book of Samuel. I shared this with the women during the morning.
1 Samuel 2:19
As most of us know, Hannah, was barren and desperately wanted a child. She poured her heart out to God and asked for a son. God responded to her need and Hannah gave birth to a boy, Samuel. Later, as a child, Samuel was 'given to the Lord' and ministered in the temple with Eli the priest.
Every year at the yearly sacrifice, Hannah, with her husband Elkanah, would visit Samuel and give him a new jacket, a new coat, which she had made for him.
As I was reading this, Holy Spirit said, 'It is time for a NEW Jacket. I am releasing new jackets! Many have outgrown their jackets, they no longer fit! See, I am giving new jackets so that each one can grow, stretch and enlarge into the NEW that I am bringing.'
I saw many jackets that had been made with several colours of material, rather like Jacobs coat of many colours. Some with blobs of colour, which to me, (all the different colours) spoke of a multifaceted flow.
Close friends will know that I am not a lover of labels, but I am a lover of God and love to see whatever heaven is releasing, flowing through His sons and daughters. I could see many prophesying, evangelising, healing the sick etc whilst wearing their new jackets. It was fun to watch as heaven was breaking out everywhere through His family, His children.
So....lets put on these bigger jackets and see heaven flow!
Any feedback on this is very welcome π
1 Samuel 2:19
As most of us know, Hannah, was barren and desperately wanted a child. She poured her heart out to God and asked for a son. God responded to her need and Hannah gave birth to a boy, Samuel. Later, as a child, Samuel was 'given to the Lord' and ministered in the temple with Eli the priest.
Every year at the yearly sacrifice, Hannah, with her husband Elkanah, would visit Samuel and give him a new jacket, a new coat, which she had made for him.
As I was reading this, Holy Spirit said, 'It is time for a NEW Jacket. I am releasing new jackets! Many have outgrown their jackets, they no longer fit! See, I am giving new jackets so that each one can grow, stretch and enlarge into the NEW that I am bringing.'
I saw many jackets that had been made with several colours of material, rather like Jacobs coat of many colours. Some with blobs of colour, which to me, (all the different colours) spoke of a multifaceted flow.
Close friends will know that I am not a lover of labels, but I am a lover of God and love to see whatever heaven is releasing, flowing through His sons and daughters. I could see many prophesying, evangelising, healing the sick etc whilst wearing their new jackets. It was fun to watch as heaven was breaking out everywhere through His family, His children.
So....lets put on these bigger jackets and see heaven flow!
Any feedback on this is very welcome π
Sunday, 1 March 2015
MARCH 2015
The last week of February I had been praying about the coming month and gaining some insights and then on the 27th I received a dream. In the dream I had met with three friends and we were sitting at a table. One friend is from Scotland (the weather always seems colder up North, than down South) but all three women were wearing Spring/Summer clothes and I was wearing a bobbly thick jumper!
I was dressed for Winter; they were dressed for Summer.
When I awoke relecting on my dream, God said 'The winter has passed. Read Song of Soloman 2'.
'Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away,
For lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone,
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land.
The fig tree puts forth her green figs,
And the vines with the tender grapes, give a good smell.
Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away.'
Naturally, we are now in this season of spring, where the winter has passed and flowers are appearing on the earth. But I sensed for many who have been struggling with health, with finance, with direction, that that season has come to an end. It is time to 'rise up', it is time to sing, as this scripture says, sing of His love, sing of His deliverance, sing of His goodness. It is time π
In a practical response to this, I decided to wear a summer dress for the next couple of days as an outward appearance of what is happening in the spirit realm, as we sing of His deliverances π
Also, as my Womens Weekend is coming up next weekend, we have that time to 'come away' without interruption or distractions. To give HIM our whole time and attention. To 'come away'. π
I was dressed for Winter; they were dressed for Summer.
When I awoke relecting on my dream, God said 'The winter has passed. Read Song of Soloman 2'.
'Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away,
For lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone,
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land.
The fig tree puts forth her green figs,
And the vines with the tender grapes, give a good smell.
Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away.'
Naturally, we are now in this season of spring, where the winter has passed and flowers are appearing on the earth. But I sensed for many who have been struggling with health, with finance, with direction, that that season has come to an end. It is time to 'rise up', it is time to sing, as this scripture says, sing of His love, sing of His deliverance, sing of His goodness. It is time π
In a practical response to this, I decided to wear a summer dress for the next couple of days as an outward appearance of what is happening in the spirit realm, as we sing of His deliverances π
Also, as my Womens Weekend is coming up next weekend, we have that time to 'come away' without interruption or distractions. To give HIM our whole time and attention. To 'come away'. π
From Glory to Glory
Unfortunately I am unable to add pictures to this blog (Tim?) but anyone who sees my Facebook page may have seen a picture of a beautiful eagle, stood on Ice, looking at his own reflection. It's a gorgeous picture! At the same time I stumbled across this pic, I was re-reading my journal and saw that in September 2014 I'd written that the Hebrew new year, 5775 had begun. Immediately I saw a MIRROR in the centre of the numbers, they are a reflection 57 75. I sensed the Holy Spirit saying that the glory, the presence of God will be 'MIRRORED' in us. And that our lives are MIRRORS of what we believe by how we live, act, love, give, our attitudes etc
2 Corinthians 3:18
'But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a MIRROR the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory by the spirit of the Lord.'
Many of us have been in a season of heart searching, questioning and reflecting on what God has said and what we currently see. Waiting, believing, trusting and resting to see the manifestations of His promises, coming about.
All the time He has been at work in us, preparing our hearts for what is to come and training our arms for battle. Psalm 18:34.
As Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing, John 5:19 then do we think that He wants anything less from us? Walking in such Intimacy, that we hear the whispers of His heart to ours and lovingly respond to that. Our strength comes from walking in that wonderful intimacy with Him. What an honour and an amazing privilege that is. π
2 Corinthians 3:18
'But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a MIRROR the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory by the spirit of the Lord.'
Many of us have been in a season of heart searching, questioning and reflecting on what God has said and what we currently see. Waiting, believing, trusting and resting to see the manifestations of His promises, coming about.
All the time He has been at work in us, preparing our hearts for what is to come and training our arms for battle. Psalm 18:34.
As Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing, John 5:19 then do we think that He wants anything less from us? Walking in such Intimacy, that we hear the whispers of His heart to ours and lovingly respond to that. Our strength comes from walking in that wonderful intimacy with Him. What an honour and an amazing privilege that is. π
Saturday, 28 February 2015
On the morning of the 8th February, I awoke from a dream where lots of people were sick due to contaminated fruit. In the dream, people had eaten contaminated APPLES & BANANAS which had caused inflammation in their mouths. For some who had eaten a lot of fruit, they had more inflammation in their bodies. This was a deliberate act and people were being treated successfully for this but I sensed that I had been interceding for this during the night.
If anyone hears of any reports regarding this please let me know :)
The dream reminded me to continue to bless the food before we eat it, which has been my usual practice for years, but sometimes we can become a bit blasΓ© about these things.
While I was writing this up in my journal later that day, I was reminded of the importance of feeding ourselves, both spiritually and physically; the importance of a healthy diet. We have the choices of what we eat, what we watch, what we hear. How we feed our hearts, our minds, our bodies is a freewill choice and the evidence of that, of course, will be the fruit in our lives.
The POWER of CHOICE has been a revelation to me these past couple of years. The Holy Spirit has been opening my understanding of the impact of our choices. He's still doing that. How we speak about our circumstances, our governments, our families & friends have a very powerful impact upon their lives. Sometimes we forget that 'Death and Life are in the power of the tongue' Proverbs 18:21
The tongue is such a small member of the body, but it has great significance. Just as a rudder steers a ship, or a bridle directs a horse, the tongue controls our lives. The choice of life and death are determined by our words. The words we speak either tear down, or build up. Words wound; words heal. Words destroy relationships, words restore relationships. Words shape our destiny.
My destiny of blessing and blessing others continues to unfold π
If anyone hears of any reports regarding this please let me know :)
The dream reminded me to continue to bless the food before we eat it, which has been my usual practice for years, but sometimes we can become a bit blasΓ© about these things.
While I was writing this up in my journal later that day, I was reminded of the importance of feeding ourselves, both spiritually and physically; the importance of a healthy diet. We have the choices of what we eat, what we watch, what we hear. How we feed our hearts, our minds, our bodies is a freewill choice and the evidence of that, of course, will be the fruit in our lives.
The POWER of CHOICE has been a revelation to me these past couple of years. The Holy Spirit has been opening my understanding of the impact of our choices. He's still doing that. How we speak about our circumstances, our governments, our families & friends have a very powerful impact upon their lives. Sometimes we forget that 'Death and Life are in the power of the tongue' Proverbs 18:21
The tongue is such a small member of the body, but it has great significance. Just as a rudder steers a ship, or a bridle directs a horse, the tongue controls our lives. The choice of life and death are determined by our words. The words we speak either tear down, or build up. Words wound; words heal. Words destroy relationships, words restore relationships. Words shape our destiny.
My destiny of blessing and blessing others continues to unfold π
Thursday, 26 February 2015
On the 7th January I had another dream. I walked into a Bar (I know, sounds like the beginning of a joke!) and saw two people there. I walk up to the guy and say hello and have a short chat. Then he leaves. A family member was there also. I was carrying a folder/papers. (The likelihood of me being in a place at the same time as these two people, was very unlikely!)
The second part of the dream, I walk into a room where there are some tables (rather like a conference setting) and someone I know is sat at a table. Again, I walk up to him, say hello and have a short chat. He then leaves, we will meet up later. Im carrying a folder/ papers.
I ALWAYS write my dreams down and encourage others to do that too, even if they dont make sense!
On the 11th February after my uncles funeral the first part of this dream came to pass!
The only difference was I was carrying a handbag. So I asked the Lord about that. He said that the 'papers/folder' represented what I carry from Him. Gifts, discernment, testimonies etc that He has given to me.
So, I wait expectantly to see the second part of this dream come to pass. All part and parcel of training and listening to what and how Holy Spirit is leading. Stay with your dreams! They are YOUR dreams and as we've seen an increase in dreams & visions lately, its so important to write them down.
Whoever said that the Christian life was dull!! Lol!
Re Journalling; I have spoke on 'Journaling' for some years now and would encourage anyone to keep at it and to write down thoughts, dreams, scriptures and anything else that you want to, in order to reflect, look back and grow in hearing His voice and being led by Him π
I've always found journalling a great help, ( been doing it for twenty years) just means you have to have space to store them all :)
The second part of the dream, I walk into a room where there are some tables (rather like a conference setting) and someone I know is sat at a table. Again, I walk up to him, say hello and have a short chat. He then leaves, we will meet up later. Im carrying a folder/ papers.
I ALWAYS write my dreams down and encourage others to do that too, even if they dont make sense!
On the 11th February after my uncles funeral the first part of this dream came to pass!
The only difference was I was carrying a handbag. So I asked the Lord about that. He said that the 'papers/folder' represented what I carry from Him. Gifts, discernment, testimonies etc that He has given to me.
So, I wait expectantly to see the second part of this dream come to pass. All part and parcel of training and listening to what and how Holy Spirit is leading. Stay with your dreams! They are YOUR dreams and as we've seen an increase in dreams & visions lately, its so important to write them down.
Whoever said that the Christian life was dull!! Lol!
Re Journalling; I have spoke on 'Journaling' for some years now and would encourage anyone to keep at it and to write down thoughts, dreams, scriptures and anything else that you want to, in order to reflect, look back and grow in hearing His voice and being led by Him π
I've always found journalling a great help, ( been doing it for twenty years) just means you have to have space to store them all :)
During the night of the first of January I had a vivid dream.
I could see several whirlwinds, they began as spinning tops, and grew larger. Each one was a different colour and together they formed a circle. I was admiring the beauty of them when I saw the circle open up and ONE of them whirl winded off! The remaining whirlwinds closed the circle and continued spinning.
I sensed the Lord saying that WHIRLWINDS of change were coming to His people - WINDS of HEALING, WINDS of PROPHECY - WINDS of CHANGE. These are God's WHIRLWINDS to the Nations. Some DOORS will be flung open like a Whirlwind in 2015!
As I saw only one Whirlwind leaving, I felt that EACH one will be released upon God's timing. Also that Father was being very patient with us, (His Church) as we processed & discussed whether this WHIRLWIND was from Him or not. This is part of the NEW THING that He was doing. Isaiah 43:18/19
My reading for that day (I read my Bible through from Genesis to Revelation however long it takes) was from JOB where God spoke to him in a WHIRLWIND! Not sure what that would've been like? Maybe further revelation on this will come :).
While watching all of this I sensed that we really, really need to remain OPEN and not to quickly 'write off' something NEW that God is doing, simply because we haven't seen it before or don't understand it.
Test/weigh everything, Yes, that's what the word of God says to do, but as the NEW wine flows we have the choice to flow, to drink, to receive or not. π
I could see several whirlwinds, they began as spinning tops, and grew larger. Each one was a different colour and together they formed a circle. I was admiring the beauty of them when I saw the circle open up and ONE of them whirl winded off! The remaining whirlwinds closed the circle and continued spinning.
I sensed the Lord saying that WHIRLWINDS of change were coming to His people - WINDS of HEALING, WINDS of PROPHECY - WINDS of CHANGE. These are God's WHIRLWINDS to the Nations. Some DOORS will be flung open like a Whirlwind in 2015!
As I saw only one Whirlwind leaving, I felt that EACH one will be released upon God's timing. Also that Father was being very patient with us, (His Church) as we processed & discussed whether this WHIRLWIND was from Him or not. This is part of the NEW THING that He was doing. Isaiah 43:18/19
My reading for that day (I read my Bible through from Genesis to Revelation however long it takes) was from JOB where God spoke to him in a WHIRLWIND! Not sure what that would've been like? Maybe further revelation on this will come :).
While watching all of this I sensed that we really, really need to remain OPEN and not to quickly 'write off' something NEW that God is doing, simply because we haven't seen it before or don't understand it.
Test/weigh everything, Yes, that's what the word of God says to do, but as the NEW wine flows we have the choice to flow, to drink, to receive or not. π
January 1st I was in bed with flu and reading the book of Esther. I don't know how many times over the years, that I have read this book. It's one of my favourites. It seemed to me, that so many things were being highlighted to me, even the gact that 'EACH golden vessel was different from the other...' Esther 1:7 how very different we are from each other. All loved, all accepted, by a loving heavenly Father who has a unique, purposeful plan for each one of us! Incredible!
Esther's cousin, Mordecai cared for her as his own daughter and even though Haman plotted and schemed planning to destroy all those of Jewish descent, God, had His plans! Ha ha! His sovereign LOVE for His own just melts my heart over and over again π
Reading this was a reminder to me, that whoever, or whatever, attempts to come against the plans and purposes of God, WILL NOT succeed! There will always be the 'Hamans' but Father has placed the 'Mordecais' and the 'Esther's' in preparation to bring about His sovereign plans and purposes.
Glory to God!
Esther's cousin, Mordecai cared for her as his own daughter and even though Haman plotted and schemed planning to destroy all those of Jewish descent, God, had His plans! Ha ha! His sovereign LOVE for His own just melts my heart over and over again π
Reading this was a reminder to me, that whoever, or whatever, attempts to come against the plans and purposes of God, WILL NOT succeed! There will always be the 'Hamans' but Father has placed the 'Mordecais' and the 'Esther's' in preparation to bring about His sovereign plans and purposes.
Glory to God!
JOHN 10:10 - 2015
Thanks to a few friends who have reminded me that I haven't blogged this year! So here's some catching up from my journal π
Sunday 28th December I was at home, alone, when I heard our doorbell ringing. Now, for those of you that have yet to visit, our doorbell is a large bell with a piece of rope hanging from the inside. A proper bell π well, I looked out of the window, there was no one there. No vehicles in the driveway, nobody around. Odd, I thought, what's that about?
God said 'Your financial Angels have arrived. They are here to help minister your increase.'
Well, whoopee! Chuffed to see the outworking of that and pleased that financial angels have actually rang my bell!
On the 30th December whilst praying concerning the coming year, God said to me, that this coming year will be a John 10:10 for you and for many. We will receive 'Double for our trouble'.
John 10:10 - 'The thief comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that you may have life, and that in abundance.'
Those of you on facebook may have seen my post.
Many of us, these past few years, have been through some very difficult times. Some with health, with finances, with families and maybe all three! Now the tide is changing and God will see to it, (apart from any stupid choices on our part) that His sons and daughters, whom He has been training, in preparation for what is on the horizon, we will receive everything we need as we rebuke the devourer and declare the blessing and favour of God over our families, our communities and our nations.
And DAILY remembering to keep our hearts, our minds and our mouths in line with what God has said rather than our circumstances may dictate!
Happy days π
Sunday 28th December I was at home, alone, when I heard our doorbell ringing. Now, for those of you that have yet to visit, our doorbell is a large bell with a piece of rope hanging from the inside. A proper bell π well, I looked out of the window, there was no one there. No vehicles in the driveway, nobody around. Odd, I thought, what's that about?
God said 'Your financial Angels have arrived. They are here to help minister your increase.'
Well, whoopee! Chuffed to see the outworking of that and pleased that financial angels have actually rang my bell!
On the 30th December whilst praying concerning the coming year, God said to me, that this coming year will be a John 10:10 for you and for many. We will receive 'Double for our trouble'.
John 10:10 - 'The thief comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that you may have life, and that in abundance.'
Those of you on facebook may have seen my post.
Many of us, these past few years, have been through some very difficult times. Some with health, with finances, with families and maybe all three! Now the tide is changing and God will see to it, (apart from any stupid choices on our part) that His sons and daughters, whom He has been training, in preparation for what is on the horizon, we will receive everything we need as we rebuke the devourer and declare the blessing and favour of God over our families, our communities and our nations.
And DAILY remembering to keep our hearts, our minds and our mouths in line with what God has said rather than our circumstances may dictate!
Happy days π
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