Thursday, 16 July 2015


This morning I awoke from a dream at 3.30 am.  In this dream I saw a crowd of people walking out of caves; out of the shadows, wearing beautiful colourful 'Joseph' coats.

They walked onto the streets, and on each side of the street, doors were opening, just everywhere!
The sick, the lame, the terminally ill, were brought onto the streets and were IMMEDIATELY healed!

Sensing that there was more the Lord wanted to say to me, through the dream, I spent the next couple of hours in His presence asking about what I had seen and what else He wanted to show me.

The RICH colours
These represented the varied giftings and anointings that each one carried.  As a group, they looked rather 'ragtag and bobtail' in their appearance.  Their 'Joseph coats' were the only attractive thing about them.  But that was the attraction.....HIM!
There was nothing of themselves, these were 'laid down lovers', the 'presence hungry' crowd, no longer living for themselves.  The very presence of God, in them, oozed, a depth, a richness, of heavens abundance.
Each one functioned/flowed from their heart in whatever way the Holy Spirit chose.

Just as Genesis 37:32 states, that Joseph's coat was returned to his father, I sensed that a large proportion of those that I was seeing, were Fathers and Mothers.  Many, HAD pastored, ministered, lead worship, wrote NEW songs, etc but had become tired.  Tired of the system, tired of the enemies activities, tired of seemingly unfulfillment of prophecy etc.  Just tired........
But they had returned to the Father......Holy Spirit has been preparing them, many in secret.  Healing their hearts, releasing FRESH OIL, blowing that FRESH WIND from heaven (previous blog) and causing them to BELIEVE again!

And many, like Joseph, have been prepared with Godly wisdom and skills for the transference of wealth in the days ahead.

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