Friday, 31 July 2015


We welcome you, month of August, the eighth month in our calendar.  The number eight represents the NEW - NEW BEGINNINGS!

During the month of July 'Time to Fly' (please read previous blog) as we were stretching out and preparing for take off, the enemy certainly showed his hand and many have been in intense spiritual warfare including myself.  The battle of the mind has been intense, almost to the point of giving up!
But praise be to God who ALWAYS leads us in TRIUMPH!   The enemy never, ever, wins.
We have the victory through Jesus πŸ’•

So here we are on the first day of the eighth month and what is He saying, what do I see.

After much battle; Holy Spirit has strengthened our ability to stand, we will see the fruit of our prayers, and that in ABUNDANCE!
Don't be afraid to ASK others to pray/help.  I'm a great 'ASKER' Jesus says about ASKING many times; we need each other; He is causing us to be a REAL family; His family πŸ’• Only pride will tell us we can do this alone and to keep ourselves separate.  Isolation is NOT good, unless He leads you into that place for a time with HimπŸ’•

During August, we will see many PRODIGALS returning home.  At last, they have come to their senses, just as the prodigal son did, and will return to Father as He has patiently loved them back into His arms.  I see such EXPLOSIONS OF JOY AS ABUNDANT CELEBRATIONS BEGIN!

Also, I see a continuation of the ENDING of, and an ENTERING into, the NEW, with PROPERTIES, BUSINESSES, RELATIONSHIPS and an INCREASE of Ministries working together (previous blog) bringing about the things of His heart.

Yesterday morning, while I was driving my son to work, just the other side of a fence, I saw a farmer waiting for one of his cows to give birth.  I stopped to watch the beginning of this birth.....
As I sat there in my car, just watching, God said to me, that an ACCELERATION has begun and we WILL see the BIRTHING of the NEW things that He has said.  The promises that He has given, the
VISIONS that He gave.
A lotta lotta of NEW BIRTHS during August 😍

Supernatural PROVISION
Thankfully, this has already begun in our house!  I have been continually amazed at His goodness even in SMALL things, He has provided above and beyond my expectations.
This month many will see this for the first time!  Hallelujah!  We will see an ABUNDANCE in ALL things as we continue to sow seed and walk in that John 5:19 LIFESTYLE just as Jesus did.

HAPPY AUGUST everyone as GUSTS of His LOVE, GRACE and GLORY just show up! πŸ’•

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