Sunday, 29 November 2015


Last night as I was journaling, I saw a long line in the sand -  the Lord said that many of his children have been persistent in prayer, with declarations and believing hearts and have been patiently waiting to see the results - the breakthroughs.

But Father has been preparing OUR hearts to move into the ENLARGEMENT of His Kingdom that is coming.  He reminded me that as I made a Christmas cake this week, the amount of ingredients, the time mixing it altogether and then, of course, the hours it took to cook, was a lot of preparation so that we can enjoy a slice or two of Christmas cake!
How much more, the preparation of our hearts.  He is such a faithful Father, rich in mercy and compassion, loving us beyond our comprehension.

In a previous blog I wrote on the BIRTHING of Gods promises which He confirmed to me  on the same day, while I was in a bank and a school room in the Czech Republic.  His promises have NOT changed!  He is bringing together ALL that he has promised.
Times and seasons are in his hands - Eccls 3

This long line that I saw in the sand, was very long.  I could see some people were right up against it and others not too far away.  I sensed that God was showing me wherever they were on their journey depended on where they were positioned with Him,; they would all come to the line before crossing over.  There were no shortcuts!

Today is the last day of November and tomorrow brings the start of a new month, December.  'Shiftings' have continued throughout this year, and as we move into the final month of 2015 and the time of CROSSING OVER this line in the sand has come, I could see HUGE waves of blessing were falling upon us as times of ABUNDANCE and REFRESHING had come!
It's been a long haul for many of us but everything is for a Divine Purpose - it's all about KNOWING HIM and making HIM KNOWN 💕

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