Thursday, 26 February 2015


During the night of the first of January I had a vivid dream.
I could see several whirlwinds, they began as spinning tops, and grew larger.  Each one was a different colour and together they formed a circle.  I was admiring the beauty of them when I saw the circle open up and ONE of them whirl winded off!   The remaining whirlwinds closed the circle and continued spinning.
I sensed the Lord saying that WHIRLWINDS of change were coming to His people  - WINDS of HEALING,  WINDS of PROPHECY - WINDS of CHANGE.  These are God's WHIRLWINDS to the Nations.  Some DOORS will be flung open like a Whirlwind in 2015!

As I saw only one Whirlwind leaving, I felt that EACH one will be released upon God's timing.  Also that Father was being very patient with us, (His Church) as we processed & discussed whether this WHIRLWIND was from Him or not.  This is part of the NEW THING that He was doing.  Isaiah 43:18/19

My reading for that day (I read my Bible through from Genesis to Revelation however long it takes) was from JOB where God spoke to him in a WHIRLWIND!  Not sure what that would've been like? Maybe further revelation on this will come :).

While watching all of this I sensed that we really, really need to remain OPEN and not to quickly 'write off' something NEW that God is doing, simply because we haven't seen it before or don't understand it.
Test/weigh everything, Yes, that's what the word of God says to do, but as the NEW wine flows we have the choice to flow, to drink, to receive or not.  ðŸ’•

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