Saturday, 21 March 2015


At the beginning of this month I was speaking at one of my Heart to Heart weekends.  On the Sunday morning, I was awake early when the Lord spoke to me from the book of Samuel. I shared this with the women during the morning.
1 Samuel 2:19
As most of us know, Hannah, was barren and desperately wanted a child.  She poured her heart out to God and asked for a son.  God responded to her need and Hannah gave birth to a boy, Samuel.  Later, as a child, Samuel was 'given to the Lord' and ministered in the temple with Eli the priest.
Every year at the yearly sacrifice, Hannah, with her husband Elkanah, would visit Samuel and give him a new jacket, a new coat, which she had made for him.
As I was reading this, Holy Spirit said, 'It is time for a NEW Jacket.  I am releasing new jackets!  Many have outgrown their jackets, they no longer fit!  See, I am giving new jackets so that each one can grow, stretch and enlarge into the NEW that I am bringing.'

I saw many jackets that had been made with several colours of material, rather like Jacobs coat of many colours.   Some with blobs of colour, which to me, (all the different colours) spoke of a multifaceted flow.
Close friends will know that I am not a lover of labels, but I am a lover of God and love to see whatever heaven is releasing, flowing through His sons and daughters.  I could see many prophesying, evangelising, healing the sick etc whilst wearing their new jackets.  It was fun to watch as heaven was breaking out everywhere through His family, His children.
So....lets put on these bigger jackets and see heaven flow!

Any feedback on this is very welcome 😊

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