Thursday, 25 June 2015


Last week while I was reading 2 Kings the Lord spoke to me about PREPARATION.
In 2 Kings 3:16/17 we read that the Lord said to the Israelites to 'Make this valley full of ditches.'
'You shall not see WIND or RAIN yet, that valley shall be filled with WATER that you may DRINK, both you, your cattle and beasts.'
The Israelites had to DIG FIRST in order to see the fulfilment of the Lords promise.

Then I was reminded of the WIDOW'S OIL in 2 Kings 4 where Elisha asked the widow (who was in debt and the creditors were coming to collect her sons) what she had in her house.  And she replied, that she had nothing, 'except a little oil.'

That 'little oil' was not a 'little thing'. It represented the power of God!  
Firstly, the widow had to MAKE ROOM for her miracle.  She was being PREPARED!  Elisha told her to collect EMPTY JARS from her neighbours.  Not just a few!  Then go inside and SHUT THE DOOR.  Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.

The widow, is completely obedient to Elisha's word.  Verse 6 says:  When ALL the jars were FULL, she said to her son, 'Bring me another one.'  To which he replies, 'There is not a jar left.'  THEN THE OIL STOPPED FLOWING.....
Verse 7 tells us that she then goes and tells the man of God, and Elisha says, 'Go sell the oil and pay your debts.  You and your sons can live on what is left.'


From these two accounts Father spoke to me and said that many, many of His children are, and have been, in a time of serious preparation.  He has been teaching us that He, and He alone, is our supply.  I sensed that it had grieved His heart that many of His own we're still trying to 'make a way' by themselves.  When all the time, He has been preparing us for WHAT IS TO COME!

Note that it wasn't until the ditches had been dug - or until the jars had been gathered; the widow had shut herself in with her sons, and she began to POUR OUT her 'little amount' that the MIRACLE happened.  The oil did not run out of her little pot to encourage her to pour, NO, she BELIEVED that as the jars were gathered and she lifted her little pot, that the OIL would come!

Every trial that comes to us is but a need for Him to fill and an opportunity for Him to SHOW what only HE can be to us and do for us.
Over this past month I have been personally preparing for what He has shown me is to come.  As many as the prophets have prophesied, we are in for some AMAZING days ahead!  Some of this I have been privileged to see for myself through dreams and open visions.  (Not everything is for sharing). we ALLOW HIM to bring us to the place of John the beloved, leaning upon His chest, listening to His heartbeat, flowing with the Heavenly rhythms, we will in deed see this mighty move of God over the nations!  Hallelujah Jesus!

So, count it all Joy!  As He is preparing YOU!  I sensed that some have almost given up, turned back, as they hadn't yet seen the fulfilment of His promises.  For some it's been years believing His promises, and at times, they've doubted the GOODNESS of God.  Well, heads up lovelies, here comes the ABUNDANCE of Heaven in your circumstances 💕.   ITS TIME 💕

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