Thursday, 29 October 2015


This morning I awoke at 5am to a howling wind blowing all around the house.  With my window open, I could hear the trees swaying and the many leaves being blown about.
I was reminded, that earlier this year, during the month of May, God spoke to me about a FRESH WIND (earlier blog) and this morning as I was listening to a natural wind, He said that 'I am sending another FRESH WIND!'

In this NEW fresh wind, we, his children, are being given a choice.  We can choose to embrace what He is doing and flow with that, which means we will be totally out of our depth! OR we can choose to continue in the same way.  Doing 'stuff' as we have been, or embracing the NEW, it's all good; but the NEW is better than the OLD!!
Sadly, I saw many people getting offended as this FRESH wind was blowing away strong cobwebs (some established networks, I believe) to make way for the NEW.  I was sensing His heart, the desire for us, his sons and daughters, to have a desire to embrace the NEW!


I saw an acceleration of AWAKENING!  This also, He had already spoken to me about earlier this year.  There is an acceleration to RIGHTEOUSNESS - the righteousness of God upon the NATIONS.
Changes in our Governments, Churches, Schools and families were happening as Holy Spirit brings about Heavens plans and strategies.  I felt that too many of us, His family, have embraced a mantle of hopelessness where more attention has been paid to news reports rather than what Father is saying and doing.  John 5:19
This morning, let's break off ANY ungodly attachments in Jesus name and embrace this NEW WIND that He is releasing.


As some of you will know, this month we officially started our HOP (A303 House of Prayer) this was in obedience to what God had shown me a few years ago.  As I was journaling earlier this week He reminded me of the Prayer Hubs that we will be connecting with across the nations.
As there is a 'return to prayer' happening right now, we will see these NEW hubs surfacing.  They will be connected by those with a burning passion to see the Kingdom Of God powerfully over their villages, towns and cities with the effects rippling out to ALL the nations. Lastly, as I was reading Johns gospel this morning 6:27/29 the disciples were asking Jesus, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" Jesus answered: "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Lord and Patsy - after re-blogging this morning a subscriber confirmed this word with a similar one she'd received (see
