Saturday, 26 March 2016


Tonight in the UK we will be putting our clocks one hour forward and for the last couple of weeks God has been speaking to me about timing.

Genesis 6:8 reads that Noah was a pleasure to the Lord. NKJ says 'Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.'  Noah was the only righteous man living on the earth at the time. And most of us know the account of Noah's obedience when God tells him to build a boat.  Actually he is told exactly how to build the boat; building with resinous wood, sealing it with tar, constructing decks and stalls etc

6:22 'Noah did according to all that God commanded him.'

Genesis 7:1 'Finally the day came when the Lord said to Noah, "Go into the boat with all your family, for among all the people of the earth, I consider you alone to be righteous."
7:4 God said, 'One week from today I will begin 40 days and nights of rain.'  Then scroll on down and we read that one week later, as God had said, when Noah was 600 years, 2 months and 17 days old; the rain came!   TIMING!

I'm reading about Abram and Sarai last week how God promises Abram that if he leaves his country and family and allows God to show him the land that God wants him to inherit, then God will make him a great nation and God will bless him and make his name great.  Genesis 12

You see, the PROMISE comes to us. IF ......and we say 'yes' THEN God teaches us to come to a place of REST in Him - THEN we see the fulfilment of the promise.  We just have to allow him to work on our hearts. With all the prayer, seeking, the leaning into Him along the way, this process actually empties us of ourselves and fills us with Him.

With Abram and Sarai, there was a 'name change' along the way. We know that names; the meaning of names, are very important. They are often symbolic of the character of the person.

Genesis 17:5 'What's more, I am changing your name. It is no longer 'Abram' (Exalted Father) but 'Abraham' (Father of nations) for that is what you will be.  I have declared it.'
17:15/16  'Regarding Sarai your wife - her name is no longer 'Sarai' (Princess).  I will bless her and give you a son from her!   Yes, I will bless her richly, and make her the MOTHER of nations!  Many Kings shall be among your posterity.'

So, what relevance has all this to us and God's timing?  This, that just like Abraham, Issac, Elizabeth, Mary and many others, WE are given a PROMISE.   But the TIMING of that promise belongs to God.
What do we do during the PROMISE and the FULFILLMENT?  We continue to love Him with ALL
our everything. The first and greatest commandment, Jesus said.  We continue to BELIEVE what HE
has said because it will SURELY come to pass.
The WORDS that God speaks, never, ever, never, never, never return to him empty, unfulfilled!  That's His promise too!  Isaiah 55:11

In conclusion - We know that Gods timing IS perfect - Ecclesiates 3 says so.  But often our anxious thoughts, our 'microwaveable' lifestyle opposes this little gem, the beauty of JOURNEY - HEART tenderising/changes and instead we may increase 'things' that we can do (maybe trying to twist God's arm). Been there a lot and got several t shirts!  Instead of ALLOWING Him to PREPARE us for what's coming. ALLOWING Him to whisper in our ears that it's actually okay - He's got this!  Because He really, really has!

Lastly, two things:
1. I'm sensing that there are couples reading this that have believed promises for children, just like Abraham and Sarah and they feel that time is running out.
NO!  IF God gave the promise - get back on that horse and BELIEVE again!
HE IS FAITHFUL!  Look at Sarah - well past the age of childbearing. I sincerely believe we, as sons and daughters, will see many 'late' pregnancies come to pass.

2.  This for the men. There are many of you who are 'Fathers' like Abram I believe there is a name change for you from 'Exalted Father' to 'Father of Nations'.   You'll have a witness to this - you know who you are.  Get ready.    Aslan is on the move and the nations are waiting. Hallelujah Jesus!!

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