Last year, whilst in Europe God spoke to me about WELLS. Everywhere I visited at that time, even an Italian restaurant, had a Well, in the Ladies toilets! These last few days he has been speaking to me again about the Wells and I've had such a battle to get this blogged up, I've decided to press on with it!
Genesis 26:18
'Issac reopened the wells of his father Abraham, the ones the Philistines had filled after his fathers death and gave them the same names that they had before, when his father had named them.'
Abraham had dug wells to find water and to open a 'source of blessing' for the people. Everyone needs water. We need water, animals, lands, plants etc all need water. So in those days to (and in many countries today) a Well is of the utmost importance.
We read that after Abrahams death the Philistines had filled the wells in, to stop the flow, stop the blessing of this source of life, to the people. But Issac reopened these wells and once again everyone and everything is refreshed!
This is what I was sensing in all this:
1. If we know that there was, a well, a flow, even a trickle, of something of the flow of heaven, of life
in an area (place) a village, town, city wherever that the enemy has 'filled in' stopping the flow,
I would encourage you to gather a few people and uncap the well - remove the stones that the
enemy has used to fill it with.
2. In your personal life maybe that flow, that well within has somehow become a bit dry, maybe
now just a trickle when it used to be a flow! But due to circumstances, difficult places on your
journey your heart may have drifted away from God and you have drank from 'other springs'.
Come back! Return to Him and drink from those living waters that give us that LIFE in
abundance! John 10:10
I saw many people beginning to meet around these wells. In homes, where families gather together
and in other places where friends and family were authentic, honest, just plain real!! To be themselves and to grow in the knowledge of God, the things of the Kingdom.
Last week God also spoke to me about 'The Meltdown' (previous blog & The Elijah List) that's happening, globally, and I could see some 'streams' flowing into a larger river. I saw an even greater coming together to work together in the plans and purposes of God.
I also saw great gatherings of women, embracing other woman, teaching, releasing, imparting and so on, and I could see a HUGE cloud had been made by their PRAYERS & INTERCESSIONS hovering and brooding over NATIONS!
Lastly, I understand, I believe I understand, that the opening up of Old wells will not be releasing the same 'old' flow, but a FRESH flow that Father has been preparing our hearts for. I see the wells, as places of previous 'Heaven touching Earth' flow and places where people came to drink.
I also see that many of these places have been saturated in prayer and are ripe for release once again.
So.......lets drink, and rise up, even as the battle rages, we will continue to see the release of the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth.
Let every knee bow! Glory to God!
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