Saturday, 26 March 2016


Tonight in the UK we will be putting our clocks one hour forward and for the last couple of weeks God has been speaking to me about timing.

Genesis 6:8 reads that Noah was a pleasure to the Lord. NKJ says 'Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.'  Noah was the only righteous man living on the earth at the time. And most of us know the account of Noah's obedience when God tells him to build a boat.  Actually he is told exactly how to build the boat; building with resinous wood, sealing it with tar, constructing decks and stalls etc

6:22 'Noah did according to all that God commanded him.'

Genesis 7:1 'Finally the day came when the Lord said to Noah, "Go into the boat with all your family, for among all the people of the earth, I consider you alone to be righteous."
7:4 God said, 'One week from today I will begin 40 days and nights of rain.'  Then scroll on down and we read that one week later, as God had said, when Noah was 600 years, 2 months and 17 days old; the rain came!   TIMING!

I'm reading about Abram and Sarai last week how God promises Abram that if he leaves his country and family and allows God to show him the land that God wants him to inherit, then God will make him a great nation and God will bless him and make his name great.  Genesis 12

You see, the PROMISE comes to us. IF ......and we say 'yes' THEN God teaches us to come to a place of REST in Him - THEN we see the fulfilment of the promise.  We just have to allow him to work on our hearts. With all the prayer, seeking, the leaning into Him along the way, this process actually empties us of ourselves and fills us with Him.

With Abram and Sarai, there was a 'name change' along the way. We know that names; the meaning of names, are very important. They are often symbolic of the character of the person.

Genesis 17:5 'What's more, I am changing your name. It is no longer 'Abram' (Exalted Father) but 'Abraham' (Father of nations) for that is what you will be.  I have declared it.'
17:15/16  'Regarding Sarai your wife - her name is no longer 'Sarai' (Princess).  I will bless her and give you a son from her!   Yes, I will bless her richly, and make her the MOTHER of nations!  Many Kings shall be among your posterity.'

So, what relevance has all this to us and God's timing?  This, that just like Abraham, Issac, Elizabeth, Mary and many others, WE are given a PROMISE.   But the TIMING of that promise belongs to God.
What do we do during the PROMISE and the FULFILLMENT?  We continue to love Him with ALL
our everything. The first and greatest commandment, Jesus said.  We continue to BELIEVE what HE
has said because it will SURELY come to pass.
The WORDS that God speaks, never, ever, never, never, never return to him empty, unfulfilled!  That's His promise too!  Isaiah 55:11

In conclusion - We know that Gods timing IS perfect - Ecclesiates 3 says so.  But often our anxious thoughts, our 'microwaveable' lifestyle opposes this little gem, the beauty of JOURNEY - HEART tenderising/changes and instead we may increase 'things' that we can do (maybe trying to twist God's arm). Been there a lot and got several t shirts!  Instead of ALLOWING Him to PREPARE us for what's coming. ALLOWING Him to whisper in our ears that it's actually okay - He's got this!  Because He really, really has!

Lastly, two things:
1. I'm sensing that there are couples reading this that have believed promises for children, just like Abraham and Sarah and they feel that time is running out.
NO!  IF God gave the promise - get back on that horse and BELIEVE again!
HE IS FAITHFUL!  Look at Sarah - well past the age of childbearing. I sincerely believe we, as sons and daughters, will see many 'late' pregnancies come to pass.

2.  This for the men. There are many of you who are 'Fathers' like Abram I believe there is a name change for you from 'Exalted Father' to 'Father of Nations'.   You'll have a witness to this - you know who you are.  Get ready.    Aslan is on the move and the nations are waiting. Hallelujah Jesus!!

Thursday, 24 March 2016


This morning I decided to tidy the garden before the Easter break and before the rain that's forecast arrives. Some of the small branches fell when we had gale force winds and a lot of twigs too.  I decided to put the green branches at the bottom of the garden, where some of the rabbits live and to use the smaller twigs for fire lighting.

I lit the rubbish that has accumulated in the incinerator and added some magazines and the remains of a large candle that had completely burnt out of its jar but had a lot of wax still in the jar.
As I was stood watching it take (it's a converted large oil drum) I could smell a beautiful fragrance.

Of course, the candle wax was melting and in amongst all the flame, smoke and ash, this beautiful fragrance was wafting across the garden.
Then I was reminded of the account of Daniels friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who were taken into the fiery furnace because they refused to bow down and worship a golden image.

Daniel 3:5 tells of King Nebuchadnezzar making an image of gold and the people were told that whenever the band the strikes up they were to fall on to the ground and worship his golden image.
3:6 'Anyone who refuses to obey will immediately be thrown into a flaming furnace.'

3:16/17/18 Tells of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's response:
'O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not worried about what will happen to us. If we are thrown into the flaming furnace, our God is able to deliver us; and he will deliver us out of your hand, Your majesty.'
But if he doesn't, please understand that even then we will never under any circumstance serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have erected.'
If you continue reading you'll see that King Nebuchadnezzar was filled with fury and anger and commanded that the furnace be heated seven times hotter than usual and called upon some of the strongest men from his army to bind them and throw them in the fire.
Verse 22: 'Because the King in his anger had demanded such a hot fire in the furnace, the flames leaped out and killed the soldiers as they threw them in!'
Then in verse 24 we read that Nebuchadnezzar jumped in amazement as he could see FOUR men in the furnace walking around, unbound, in the fire and they weren't even hurt by the flames!

Roll on down to verses 26 /27 and we read that Nebuchadnezzar calls the men out of the fire and he saw that the fire had not touched them - not a hair on their heads was singed; their coats weren't scorched and they didn't even smell of smoke!
Lastly, in verse 30 we read that the King then gave promotions to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego so they prospered greatly there in the province of Babylon.

So, what has all of this got to do with me lighting a fire in an old oil drum!?!  Well, this -
We will all go through fires on our journey. Sometimes they will be hotter than at other times, but it will happen. I believe God is bringing us into a place where we live out of that John 5:19 lifestyle where His people, His Church only do what we SEE and HEAR the Father doing.  So it's inevitable that a lot of our 'flesh' our plans, our own desires that are not in alignment with His plans and purposes for our lives, will have to go. At the same time, we are being made more like Jesus!
Out of our love relationship with Him, we lean in, bow, and rest in Him and His ways just like Jesus did with Father.  (Read Johns gospel)
Out of the fires, out of the difficulties comes promotion!!  We will be like Him!  And just as the candle wax melted in the oil drum today; with its fragrance wafting all over the garden; that's like the smell of heaven. That fragrance being breathed in and out of us and smelt wherever we go.

 The promotion always comes, because we have refused to 'bow down to golden images' whatever
they may be personally to you and we have chosen to be obedient and to follow Him.
Let's rest in that this Easter time - as we celebrate and remember our beautiful Saviours sacrifice on the Cross and His rising from the dead so that we might live!  Thank you💕

Sunday, 13 March 2016


Early this morning I finished reading from the book of Revelation.  Many close friends and acquaintances know, I like to read a Bible from Genesis to Revelation as a daily read.  My favourite and usual translation is The New King James but my current read has been from The Living Bible.
So, this morning, as I'm reading from Revelation, I am, once again, glued to this word and imagining what some of these people/creatures actually looked like!  My mind was like popcorn!  I'm forever amazed, at the revelation that John received.

The descriptions of many Angels, the opening of the sealed scrolls, the flasks, the golden altar, the trumpets and the choir with harps.  The descriptive details of the horses, the weather!  Flashes of lightening, thunder, roaring thunder, hailstones weighing 100 lbs!  (Revelation 16:21)

And as I begin to worship Him and to give thanks to even be a small part of all this, as a daughter of the King; His Kingdom.  This is what he said to me:

'As your Father, and as a Father to my nations I unfold understanding in part and in parts so that you can receive and understand what I am saying to you.  My heart is global - I am changing the hearts of my children to think as I think, to begin to understand that your little groups and movements of separation is not the desire of my heart. My desire is that you are one, even as we are one.
( John 17:21)   And your love for one another, the authentic love that I have given you; your costly love for me and the purposes of my heart will be easily evident for all to see and will cause a 'Love Harvest' from one side of my world to the other.
I am enlarging hearts and minds of my sons and daughters in preparation for what is coming to the Earth. Ha ha! I smile at you, my daughter, when you are surprised and even amazed at such things as gold dust, sparkles & gems. These are just fun things!  The Earth really hasn't seen anything yet!
But continue in my Word - continue in loving me with ALL your heart, your mind, your everything
and WATCH what I am doing in my nations.  Now that will really amaze you! 💕💕

Friday, 11 March 2016


Earlier this morning, having some quiet time and looking at some pictures, I was drawn to a photo of a fairground roundabout with the usual 'fixed horses' leaping off!

Then God spoke to me quite clearly, and said that many, many people are being released from 'old ways' and 'old circles of life repeats' are being broken off bringing them into places of abundance.

Just as the photograph was showing, some of the horses were leaping off into freedom.  In the same way, many have the opportunity to stop going around and round, with the same music, on the same route, doing the same things, and leap into a NEW freedom!

I really want to encourage anyone that knows,mor feels that this is them, and to 'take the risk' to jump off the roundabout and dance to the NEW music, the new rhythms, that Heaven is currently releasing.

Heaven is releasing New things and a release from old ways of doing things.  Let's take the leap in this Leap Year and go with the flow!


Apologies for not blogging this earlier for those of you not on face book.

This past Tuesday, the 8th March, I realised I'd been humming and singing the song, 'When the Boat come in!' for the past forty eight hours!
When I was chatting to God about this, I sensed that he was saying, 'Many people are having their 'boats coming in'.  I popped onto google and listened to the song.  Part of the song speaks about all the fishes coming in.   A short video clip accompanied the song, showed a HUGE catch of fish!

I sensed that many people have been waiting to see the fulfilment of dreams, promises and prophetic words; some had almost given up!  But, God's timing IS perfect, whether we like it or not, and NOW is the time that 'boats are coming in'.

I'm sure that Holy Spirit will speak to many of you more on this.  Be expectant! 💕

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Last year, whilst in Europe God spoke to me about WELLS.  Everywhere I visited at that time, even an Italian restaurant, had a Well, in the Ladies toilets!  These last few days he has been speaking to me again about the Wells and I've had such a battle to get this blogged up, I've decided to press on with it!

Genesis 26:18
'Issac reopened the wells of his father Abraham, the ones the Philistines had filled after his fathers death and gave them the same names that they had before, when his father had named them.'

Abraham had dug wells to find water and to open a 'source of blessing' for the people. Everyone needs water.  We need water, animals, lands, plants etc all need water. So in those days to (and in many countries today) a Well is of the utmost importance.
We read that after Abrahams death the Philistines had filled the wells in, to stop the flow, stop the blessing of this source of life, to the people.  But Issac reopened these wells and once again everyone and everything is refreshed!

This is what I was sensing in all this:
1. If we know that there was, a well, a flow, even a trickle, of something of the flow of heaven, of life
    in an area (place) a village, town, city wherever that the enemy has 'filled in' stopping the flow,
    I would encourage you to gather a few people and uncap the well - remove the stones that the
    enemy has used to fill it with.

2.  In your personal life maybe that flow, that well within has somehow become a bit dry, maybe
     now just a trickle when it used to be a flow!  But due to circumstances, difficult places on your
     journey your heart may have drifted away from God and you have drank from 'other springs'.
     Come back!  Return to Him and drink from those living waters that give us that LIFE in
     abundance!  John 10:10

I saw many people beginning to meet around these wells.  In homes, where families gather together
and in other places where friends and family were authentic, honest, just plain real!!  To be themselves and to grow in the knowledge of God, the things of the Kingdom.

Last week God also spoke to me about 'The Meltdown' (previous blog & The Elijah List) that's happening, globally, and I could see some 'streams' flowing into a larger river.  I saw an even greater coming together to work together in the plans and purposes of God.

I also saw great gatherings of women, embracing other woman, teaching, releasing, imparting and so on, and I could see a HUGE cloud had been made by their PRAYERS & INTERCESSIONS hovering and brooding over NATIONS!

Lastly, I understand, I believe I understand, that the opening up of Old wells will not be releasing the same 'old' flow, but a FRESH flow that Father has been preparing our hearts for.  I see the wells, as places of previous 'Heaven touching Earth' flow and places where people came to drink.
I also see that many of these places have been saturated in prayer and are ripe for release once again.
So.......lets drink, and rise up, even as the battle rages, we will continue to see the release of the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth.

Let every knee bow!  Glory to God!