Thursday, 3 July 2014

New things

'The former things have passed, and NEW things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.'  Isaiah 42:9

Early this morning I awoke with this scripture on my mind.  Opening my bible to read it, I began to see, albeit a glimpse, of some of the 'New' that God is bringing.

I was seeing a whole new movement of  Samsons arising.  (His word, not mine)
Dedicated, devoted, committed and hungry to see and release the Kingdom of God here on Earth.

We may use words like, 'radical' 'laid down lovers' for people who are completely 'sold out' to Him, but this will be the norm for the emerging Church.  I felt that this IS the heart of  Father, our Abba.

NOTHING else will matter to them apart from sharing Gods love, His heart with whoever and whenever and whatever it takes!
Any separations/divisions will be OLD WINE to them.   We will TRULY be in this together, or not! No one group preferring another, or promoting one another, this will be ALL ABOUT HIM!

We will begin to see God's family, being real, I mean, really real! without shame or embarrassment of where they have been or what they may have done in the past.    The unwise choices they may have made which have in turn, incurred the consequences of those choices, will be loved out of them, washed away in the Father's love. They will know, without doubt, the genuine love and acceptance and nurture from Him, and through the Mothers & Fathers with His hearts desires.
I mean genuine!

The sheer BOLDNESS of these Samsons will be applauded in Heaven but will be met with SOME opposition here on the earth.  They ARE arising - they WILL arise as Heaven continues to invade Earth bringing about His plans, His purposes, His heart <3

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