Saturday, 5 July 2014

JUNE 2014

The word I received for the month of JUNE was 'A TIME TO BLOOM'.
Psalm 136:4
'To Him who alone does great wonders, for His mercy endures forever'.
I could see an ever increasing momentum of His 'great wonders' manifesting upon the earth.  The effect of this was causing the Family of God to BLOOM!
There were also 'breakouts' 'outbreaks' where man had attempted to keep 'things in order', meaning that NEW WINE was trying to be kept in OLD WINESKINS in an attempt to CONTROL what was happening!
But this hasn't been Fathers heart....the New Wine must be poured into New Wineskins, this is  His heart, His will.
Then I could see a bunch of Hazelnuts, the sort that squirrels stash away.  He showed me that the enemy had withheld, stashed away, held up, particularly in the area of FINANCIAL PROVISION  which was meant for blessing and furtherance of Kingdom strategies and plans.  Take a stand against that!  Rebuke the devourer and call forth the seven fold return he has now to pay! :)

Then I had the word 'ASIA'  - Pray for ASIA

A = Avalanche coming
S = Showing
I = Immeasurable
A = Awesomeness of Fathers love <3

Asia will be popping like popcorn!  Holy Ghost parties!  Celebrations galore!!  Woohoo!!

I see the colour yellow, like Sunshine colour.  Glory....presence of God being poured out like Honey which will manifest greatly through HEALING.
A particular person, He named, to 'get ready' as he will have his hearts desire.  (I contacted that person who was incredibly chuffed as he & his wife had made a personal family decision regarding their future; had posted a response to that decision the day before, in obedience to what Father was saying to them and now here was the confirmation!  Thank you Papa!  Off the charts!)

Healings will be popping up, breaking out all over the place particularly outside of Church :)

Lastly...particular prayer needed for Prince Charles as transition happens in the coming days.
A few specific things shown to me to specifically pray concerning that :)

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