Sunday, 20 July 2014

AUGUST - Part One

At the beginning of July when God was speaking to me regarding the next few months, He spoke to me about 'GUSTS' coming during the month of August.  I remember thinking, well, we don't usually have gusts of wind during August, but nevertheless wrote this in my journal.

On Sunday 6th July returning from Church, we called into a local supermarket.  As I was nearing a check out, suddenly about half a dozen staff were rushing out of the door!  I went towards the door to see what all the fuss was about.
There had been a sudden GUST of wind that had completely blown over secure outside stands with all the contents being thrown into the road!
One of the staff members shouted to another staff member "Where on earth did that come from?"  She answered. "Don't know.  It was just a gust of wind!"

I was reminded of what He had said to me.  Although we are still in the month of July, this was a confirmation to me, about the month of August, what He had said.  There will be some 'suddenlies' accelerations for many, we may be taken by surprise!  But rest assured the plans and purposes of Heaven are being unfolded.  It's all good! <3

Saturday, 5 July 2014

JULY 2014

From the first day of this month I have seen a large amount of  butterflies again.  It's like everyone I go butterflies appear!  A couple of days ago Father said that many, during this month, will rid themselves from their cocoons and begin to fly!  Muscle has been built, a time of preparation, in this season, has now ended and He is releasing these beautiful butterflies into strategic places.

Many of us (personally not me, this time!) are in the process of physically moving into NEW homes, NEW areas, NEW cities and nations.  We are being strategically placed to 'keep up the pace' of what is now being opened up to us.  Some of us have felt as though this 'pregnancy' has gone on forever!  It really is taking too long!  I sensed He said, to hang on in their, this baby will be born, this is just a pregnant pause, you are still growing In the waiting.  Delivery/release will come this month.

Number seven, (this seventh month) is often interpreted as meaning 'completion'.  This will be a month where we will see a lot of things completed.  For some a SHIFT in Employment, completing one job and moving to another.  For some debt payments completed!  And for some a 'completion' in relationships, people you've been hanging out with, or someone you've been hoping is the 'right' one. God is bringing clarity to make decisions enabling you to move forward in whatever direction He shows.  A completion is in progress.

Lastly, I saw divine connections being strengthened.  The cords, the bonds being made stronger.  Previous connections that have become weak for whatever reason, will be connected again with such depth this time, that I saw lots of fireworks popping off with a display of such colours which I interpreted as the diversity of God.  The wonder of Him releasing such GOOD things, such EXTRAVAGANT dreams and visions far beyond what we have seen or heard!

JUNE 2014

The word I received for the month of JUNE was 'A TIME TO BLOOM'.
Psalm 136:4
'To Him who alone does great wonders, for His mercy endures forever'.
I could see an ever increasing momentum of His 'great wonders' manifesting upon the earth.  The effect of this was causing the Family of God to BLOOM!
There were also 'breakouts' 'outbreaks' where man had attempted to keep 'things in order', meaning that NEW WINE was trying to be kept in OLD WINESKINS in an attempt to CONTROL what was happening!
But this hasn't been Fathers heart....the New Wine must be poured into New Wineskins, this is  His heart, His will.
Then I could see a bunch of Hazelnuts, the sort that squirrels stash away.  He showed me that the enemy had withheld, stashed away, held up, particularly in the area of FINANCIAL PROVISION  which was meant for blessing and furtherance of Kingdom strategies and plans.  Take a stand against that!  Rebuke the devourer and call forth the seven fold return he has now to pay! :)

Then I had the word 'ASIA'  - Pray for ASIA

A = Avalanche coming
S = Showing
I = Immeasurable
A = Awesomeness of Fathers love <3

Asia will be popping like popcorn!  Holy Ghost parties!  Celebrations galore!!  Woohoo!!

I see the colour yellow, like Sunshine colour.  Glory....presence of God being poured out like Honey which will manifest greatly through HEALING.
A particular person, He named, to 'get ready' as he will have his hearts desire.  (I contacted that person who was incredibly chuffed as he & his wife had made a personal family decision regarding their future; had posted a response to that decision the day before, in obedience to what Father was saying to them and now here was the confirmation!  Thank you Papa!  Off the charts!)

Healings will be popping up, breaking out all over the place particularly outside of Church :)

Lastly...particular prayer needed for Prince Charles as transition happens in the coming days.
A few specific things shown to me to specifically pray concerning that :)

MAY 2014

At the beginning of this month God reminded me of the word He gave to me in April - UPGRADE.
I felt to bring some encouragement on that:

I was at a meeting during April when the offering plate/bucket was passed around at every meeting.  I remembered years ago that Kenneth Copeland said that we should NEVER let the offering basket pass us by if we don't want to miss out on blessing God and blessing ourselves.  I remembered he said that if you haven't got any money to put in, then put in a shirt button or something!!  And i liked that, it seemed right.  That's always stayed with me and at times I actually have put in buttons! was me!!
Well, here I was at this meeting asking Holy Spirit what I should put in.  It was above what I was thinking!  Ha ha!  I was obedient.
During the month of April, 'Upgrade' month I received TWENTY times the amount that I gave at that meeting as my giving was 'upgraded' too!   Faithful God :)

The word God spoke to me for the month of May was 'AWAKENING'. An awakening of our senses. To see, touch, smell, hear and taste the sounds/releases from Heaven.  Personally this started at 23.30 hrs on the 30th of April and lasted until 01.30 hrs.  Such a beautiful fragrance filled the room which increased & decreased at times, just kept coming with measures of His felt presence.
He said that many will begin to have their senses awakened to the Heavenly realms and bring us into a greater alignment of what He is doing.  Don't dismiss these times, when we may feel prompted to shut ourselves away with Him, at His leading, as the Holy Spirit teaches us how too receive these things.
During this time, I saw those that are seasoned in the Prophetic flow will begin to see 'Clouds'   These are symbolic of prepared clouds that are positioned for downpours of His presence upon the earth. I saw the manifestation of this as 'downpours' fell upon Market Places, Shopping Centres, and upon the Streets.  These happenings were NOT because of something we had done, but because He was so longing to come!  He had been waiting....

Then I saw a beach with stuff being washed up onto the shore.  I sensed that some had been feeling that they are 'washed up'   Their dreams, visions had somehow by passed and they would not see the fulfilment of them :(  NO! NO!  That was the whisper of the enemy! Flush it!
In this open vision, as they were walking away with their backs towards the sea, a HUGE wave is just reverse up a bit, get back into the water and be ready to ride that wave!

Lastly...I heard 'Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks... Thanks for that HEALING, thanks for that PROVISION, thanks for your PRODIGALS returning, thanks for the PROMISES fulfilled!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Father <3

APRIL 2014

The WORD given to me for the month of April was UPGRADE!   That God was asking us, His children, to take the limits off of Him!  He is NOT a stingy Father!  He so desires to give good gifts to us.  He is an abundant Father a John 10:10 life has been prepared for us all.  A life of ABUNDANCE!
What we expect is what we get!  If we live with negative expectations then that is what is fulfilled.  Likewise, if we live within the promises of God, believing what HE has said, and aligning our hearts, our thoughts and our mouths with that, then that is what we will harvest.  It's all a question of CHOICE....
As we wait to see the promises, dreams that He has given to us we need to give ourselves a little PEP talk:
P - Wait Prayerfully - Psalm 25:1-3
E - Wait Expectantly - Psalm 31:24
P - Wait Patiently      - Psalm 37:7-9

He enlarges us in the waiting and prepares us for things to come :)

MARCH 2014

As I awoke on the first day of March I went downstairs and drew back the curtains.  It was a cloudy morning, with a covering of crispy frost and some mist in the valley.  As I sat with a mug of tea I began to hear Him speak:

I am releasing a crispness, a clarity, at this time - where there has been some confusion; clarity will come.  The winds in March will blow away the cobwebs, the mist, the indecisions, the grey cloudedness of thoughts of heart - things will become clearer.

There's a saying 'Mad March Hares' that comes from the behaviour of hares in the month of March! To some, decisions, actions and behaviours of others, may SEEM like madness!  But their radical commitment to live a John 5:19 lifestyle comes from a yielded, intimate heart relationship with Father.  Those of us that are Fathers & Mothers will need to encourage, pray, and as far as we are able, lead them on their way.  At times, as mums & dads, our hearts will ache as we see sons & daughters, led by their Abba, walking through places of difficulties and testings in order to be refined in the refiners fire and brought forth as gold.  But we will cheer them on :)
They will release not only what they have received but what they have lived out, bringing much glory to the King of Kings.
I also saw a true, real coming together, a deep unity in God's family.  I was reminded of the Stock pot that was simmering for four hours in my Kitchen.  It contains a chicken carcus, celery, onions, garlic and carrots all together to produce some flavoursome stock.  TOGETHER these ingredients produce something tasty, nourishing, good for the body.  In the same way, TOGETHER we release the GOODNESS of God in order to feed and nourish the family.

I also saw an 'in depth' revelation being released to those who teach.  To those who have spent time in the Secret Place and have a burning desire to see sons & daughters transition from feeding on Milk to Meat!  So much so, that the revelations will need to be broken down into bite sized pieces to enable the recipients to receive them.  (I know good teachers do that)

Also during this month we are having a new ceiling fitted in the Kitchen.  The old one, which contains asbestos, will be removed and replaced with a new one.  I sensed that Father was saying 'there is NO ceiling!  No access denied!'
Ask - Seek - Knock = The way is open by our tender hearted Father.  We just need to A.S.K :)
He has given us insight into the passion of His own Heart <3. His gracious love and compassion aching to embrace the generations who haven't experienced the love of a Father or maybe a Mother
Or both.  We live under an open Heaven - NO ceiling!
He is drawing and connecting hearts into families as He is drawing in those currently outside of family into places to receive the nurture and love from above.
So it is with great expectation we enter the month of March and continue to BELIEVE what He has promised. <3

Thursday, 3 July 2014

New things

'The former things have passed, and NEW things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.'  Isaiah 42:9

Early this morning I awoke with this scripture on my mind.  Opening my bible to read it, I began to see, albeit a glimpse, of some of the 'New' that God is bringing.

I was seeing a whole new movement of  Samsons arising.  (His word, not mine)
Dedicated, devoted, committed and hungry to see and release the Kingdom of God here on Earth.

We may use words like, 'radical' 'laid down lovers' for people who are completely 'sold out' to Him, but this will be the norm for the emerging Church.  I felt that this IS the heart of  Father, our Abba.

NOTHING else will matter to them apart from sharing Gods love, His heart with whoever and whenever and whatever it takes!
Any separations/divisions will be OLD WINE to them.   We will TRULY be in this together, or not! No one group preferring another, or promoting one another, this will be ALL ABOUT HIM!

We will begin to see God's family, being real, I mean, really real! without shame or embarrassment of where they have been or what they may have done in the past.    The unwise choices they may have made which have in turn, incurred the consequences of those choices, will be loved out of them, washed away in the Father's love. They will know, without doubt, the genuine love and acceptance and nurture from Him, and through the Mothers & Fathers with His hearts desires.
I mean genuine!

The sheer BOLDNESS of these Samsons will be applauded in Heaven but will be met with SOME opposition here on the earth.  They ARE arising - they WILL arise as Heaven continues to invade Earth bringing about His plans, His purposes, His heart <3