Early this morning during my 'time out' I received an open vision from The Lord. I was shown SEVEN clouds. Each cloud was releasing something different.
Cloud 1 - was releasing RAIN an outpouring, a refreshing from Heaven was happening. He is soaking us to enable us to 'drip' heaven wherever we are.
Cloud 2 - was releasing SNOW. Beautiful white large snowflakes that were landing and making
everything white. There is a PURIFICATION happening within the Church, an intense desire to see Gods righteousness, his purity within hearts and to see Holiness to 'rain' in the nations again. Intercessory groups and Prayer Houses on the increase <3
Cloud 3 - was releasing PAINT POTS & BRUSHES! A myriad of colours and brushes of ALL sizes were falling. I sensed He was saying everything has been provided for, to paint the canvas...
I saw artists/painters in the streets and people being drawn by the Holy Spirit as an invitation from heaven went out to their hearts to 'taste & see that The Lord is good!'
Also an invitation to Sons & Daughters to partner with Him (Holy Spirit) and to stop all the 'stuff' choose rather to live that John 5:19 lifestyle that Jesus walked.
Cloud 4 - was releasing GOLD COINS, just pouring out like rain! I heard the words 'Provision,
Provision, provision!' An ABUNDANCE of provision. I saw groups of people in various nations
asking/calling upon heavenly provision and as they asked, it fell!
Cloud 5 - was releasing BODY PARTS! Just like the coins. Legs/arms/eyes/ et el were released
as sons and daughters simply asked.
Cloud 6 - was releasing JOY! I could see the letters: J = Jesus O= Only Y= You. I could see people receiving 'ecstatic joy' ( like most have not yet known) as they walked DAILY leaning upon their
Beloved. I saw Joy breaking out in the Market Place, in the City, and in Governments. And a reminder that He HAS given us the Nations for our inheritance. Psalm 2:8
Cloud 7 - was releasing ELEPHANTS! I know, I thought ??? Holy Spirit said, 'Elephants never forget, I have not forgotten you ( to many who have stood, believed, declared, and longed to see the fulfillmet of His promises.) Faithfulness IS being rewarded.'
I was reminded of many other things that the Elephant symbolises too but sensed this was the only
interpretation at this time.
These Clouds are movable as are natural clouds. This morning I could see them over the Scandinavian countries at the same time I could hear the cries of the Intercessors over other nations and commanding/ calling them to shift in alignment of what Holy Spirit had been showing them.
We truly are living in the most awesome days of the Kingdom of God. Personally the last few weeks I have battled to keep my focus upon Him and to put in necessary boundaries to remain in that 'sweet' place and to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church at this time, and also what He is saying personally. Psalm 121 my help comes from Him, who made the Earth & the Heavens <3
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