This past week whenever I've talked to Father regarding this coming month of October, I see the word OC TOW BER. I hear Him saying that many have been towing weights/burdens from the past and some with FEAR for the future. I saw many with a rope attached to their ankles which has been disabling them from moving forward. Others I saw with a trailer (heavier weights) attached to their vehicles (body) full of 'stuff' from their past, which is causing a deafness to the things of God, a heart of heaviness and sometimes even despair.
He says "Make the choice, my beloved, choose well, trust ME, it is time to UNHITCH, CUT LOOSE & CAST OFF the things that have hindered you for far too long. For I release to you LIFE and that in ABUNDANCE!" John 10:10
Then I saw many stepping out of their boats! Theses coming months will be times of S T R E T C H I N G - for ALL of us. He is calling us to LEAN MORE upon Him and to DAILY take the challenge of living the life that JESUS did - in COMPLETE obedience to His Father. John 5:19
We will be out of our depth, which is where HE wants us; and where we NEED to be!
He led me to Isaiah 6:6-8 where Isaiah was challenged to follow Him. In verse 8 we read that Isaiah hears the voice of the Lord saying "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said "Here I am, send me".
I sensed that as that call is still going out, whether that call is to your neighbours or nations, and to many who have been in an intense time of preparation I could see that suddenly sons & daughters popping up with their "Yes, here I am Lord, send me!" It's delighted His heart <3
He also led me to Isaiah 5:26 - GOD WHISTLING!
"He raises a Flag, signaling a distant nation, WHISTLES for people at the end of the Earth. And here they come - on the run!"
This past year the Holy Spirit has been encouraging me and causing me to Prophetically WHISTLE! At times, I call forth, by a Whistle (4 fingers in mouth kinda whistle) people, angels, clouds anything I'm prompted to call forth and I see them moving. It's exciting!! For me, it's part of the 'new thing' that He is doing. GOD is WHISTLING and bringing about HIS plans & purposes in the Earth. Rest assured EVERYTHING works together for GOOD!
So, in conclusion - the call has gone out!
Will you choose to allow Him, trust Him, with your WHOLE life?
Will you choose to UNHITCH - CUT LOOSE - CAST OFF the stuff that hinders your journeying with Him? And choose to receive that John 10.10 life that Jesus promised forums to walk in.
Some of you reading this may be aware that something is about to BURST! As the trickle becomes a flood, a full blown outpouring, as the enlargement, the birthing, that He showed me a few months ago, reaches its timely fulfilment we are immensely privileged to be alive at such a time as this as we see Heaven invading Earth like never before. Expectant and Exciting times!!
So, thank you Father, that we know you as the most amazing Father, the BEST daddy in the whole World, that you made! Haha! Daily, as we continue to put our little hand in yours, and at times, hold on real tight, thank you for your love, your care, the oneness that we enjoy with you here and throughout eternity! Wow!!
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