Today as I've been preparing for my visit to the Czech Republic, I've been reading through some of my notes. The Holy Spirit highlighted a particular one to me regarding BELLS. I felt encouraged to blog it, so here we are:
Whilst in prayer on the 24th July I was reminded of the 'Call to Prayer' that a number of us felt the urgency of, a few years ago. (I would have journaled the exact date).
Personally, I remembered that I was in the garden, soaking, and I could here bells ringing. As we live near a main highway, the only likely noise to hear, is traffic! But most definitely, I could hear Church Bells ringing. When I asked the Lord about it, I sensed that just as in days gone by, the Church bells were ringing out as a Call to Prayer. We needed to increase our times in prayer, in order to receive fully what needed to be heard from heaven. Felt like some of us had been skipping off half way through lunch!
Well, on this day, 24th July, I could hear a SINGLE BELL ringing. This reminded me of my childhood when I would attend Mass every Sunday with my sisters and the nuns would ring a bell to gather together.
Again, asking The Lord what this was about, I sensed that this time, now, the bell is a calling to STILLNESS - QUIETNESS, which will result in a deeper ONENESS with Him, our Heavenly Father.
John 5:19 came to mind. This scripture tells us that Jesus ONLY did what he saw His Father doing. He lived his life like that. I believe the reason for me hearing a SINGLE BELL is a call to us, to take TIME to BE STILL - TO LISTEN and ALLOW HIM to show us, from HEAVENS perspective HOW to PRAY - WHAT TO PRAY - and then what ACTIONS to take.
There seemed to be an URGENCY about this - and in the light of recent Worldwide atrocities that we are now seeing on our screens, this is evidently even more important.
'For we wrestle NOT against flesh & blood but powers and principalities in the heavenly realms.'
Ephesians 6:12
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