Wednesday 22 October 2014

Clarity - Eyes to See - Ears to Hear

This morning I'm sensing a real 'sharpness' has been released in hearing His voice - an increase in clarity and depth - an increase of SEEING into what Father is saying & doing.  Encouraging us to continue to lean into Him and yield our lives to the Father as Jesus did.  John 5:19

During my soaking time this morning, I could see a thin membrane has been broken.  It reminded me of childbirth, when the waters have broken and the baby is ready to enter the birth canal.  I could see this membrane was thin, I could see myself one side of it, then the other side.  (before and after) Before its broken I could see, but fuzzy, bit cloudy, but now, it's like having new glasses, suddenly everything is so much better, clearer.  Like having new eyes!
The Holy Spirit was allowing me to see this release from Him, and the amazing rippling effect upon His Church.  Eccl 3 says there are times and seasons under Heaven and at this TIME Father has released this 'seeing' so that we are equipped in every circumstance and also to discern what is true or what is false.
 This 'seeing' of course, brings a greater depth to the Prophetic, Words of Knowledge, Healing and seeing into the Spiritual realm <3
I was reminded of the prophet Elijah who predicted famine in Israel, (1 Kings 17) was fed by ravens sent by God, raised the widows son, defeated the prophets of Baal at Carmel (1 Kings 18) ran from Jezebel (1 Kings 19) Prophesied the death of Azariah (2 Kings 1) succeeded by Elisha (1Kings 19) then taken to Heaven in a whirlwind!  Wow!!  And we walk in intimacy with the same God <3

He truly has given us eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand what He is saying in this hour.  Exciting days!  Thank you Daddy xx

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