Sunday, 30 August 2015


Following on from my first blog regarding the Angels of Wake Up published on the 22nd August, as I was sensing that there would be a 'part two' this is what was released to me during the week while I joined others hungry for more of God.

God reminded me of the Angels of Wake Up and then in an open vision showed me a HUGE clock.
There were so many parts to this clock, from tiny cogs to very, very large wheels.  Near the base of this clock was a large circular piece, a movement, that was swaying clockwise - anti clockwise, clockwise then anti clockwise in that rythm.  I found myself physically moving with the rythm of this HUGE clock.  Tick tock - tick tock - tick tock
Then I began singing a little prophetic jingle - Tick tock, tick tock, it's time to STOP, it's time to stop, anything that's not in Gods Rythm!
Anything that's out of His timing, out of His rythm, will cause this huge clock to malfunction.  I could then see the disorder that comes when we're not flowing with Him.

As I continued to admire this beautiful HUGE clock, I felt a fresh wind coming and bringing with it a SETTING IN ORDER of that which is out of sync.  I also saw a REPOSITIONING of many people in preparation for something much bigger that's coming!

Then God showed me a map of His World.  In several places, in different nations, I could see people on trains and buses being brought to a halt!   Masses of people getting off of transport and wondering what to do?  Where to go?  At the onset of these happenings there is total chaos.  This reminded me of the current refugee crisis in Europe, but I sensed that these were people 'in general' just going about their business on their way to work etc
It was as though someone had switched off the power for commuting!!  Trains and buses coming to a halt!!

As I'm seeing this, wondering what's going to happen.......SUDDENLY Heaven comes down.  There is calm, there is peace, there is order, there is organisation, there is MULTIPLICATION (previous blog) of food, of water, of life!!  Because the LIFEGIVER has come!
Whatever chaos, whatever strategies and plans the enemy has dreamed up, our God, our Father, is
SINGING over us.  He releases LIFE - PURPOSE - DESTINY!

As Father has released these Angels of Wake Up to the United Kingdom, and I believe in other NATIONS also, (in particular, America) placing them in strategic places; awakening the WATCHMEN, awakening the INTERCESSORS and generally AWAKENING His CHURCH, our response must be to join Him.  To intercede for the Governments, the Cities and the Nations, in preparation, for this imminent outpouring that, as yet, this world has never known and we will move into an entirely NEW LEVEL of what it means to be a CHRISTIAN - a CHRIST follower in these days.

Such GLORIOUS days ahead 💕

Saturday, 22 August 2015


I had a dream over a week ago that I've been processing and I'm sensing to share it this morning.

Close friends know that previous to this dream the Lord has been speaking to me about the 'BUGLAR'.  I had pulled into a garage for fuel and a guy walked right in front of my car, causing me to brake quickly and on the back of his overalls was a large label with 'BUGLAR' on it.  On the same day I was stuck in traffic and a van pulls in front of me that says, 'BUGLAR'.

During that same week whilst taking my son to work I saw TWO cows give birth.  Although I was in my car the cows were so close to the fence that I could have got out and touched them.
In my previous blogs you'll read about the DOUBLE that God has speaking to me about for this year.  So I've been spending more time with Him this past week to get a handle on all this.
During this time the Lord gave me a dream:

I saw a map of Great Britain and Angels with Bugles have been placed in specific places in Scotland
- England - Ireland - Wales.  Behind the BUGLAR Angels were taller Angels holding long, large trumpets.

I could also see that many people had become tired in the process of journey.  Some had given up, others had adapted an attitude of 'why bother' and apathy had set in.  But intercession has been made and I sensed that in response to all of that God was showing me how to continue to pray for the unfolding of His plans for this nation.

The Bugle is used in the armed forces to awaken the soldiers at dawn.  God has placed these Angels in strategic places to blow their bugles - to AWAKEN the Church; the people of God to HIS plans and purposes for this nation at this time.

It appeared that these Angels will AWAKEN - sound the alarm, first, then the taller Angels that I could see behind them will blow their trumpets.  I understand that these trumpets are used for the purposes of HERALDING in the NEW - and ANNOUNCEMENTS of ARRIVAL  (In Royal circles and Government) they have also been positioned to announce the ARRIVAL (the NEW births that I had seen earlier)

I could see the tiredness, the apathy that the enemy has released over the nation being turned around.
There has been things done in secret, in, and over our nation that God IS revealing as we are awakened!
I was reminded of this scripture:  Luke 8:17 'For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest:
neither anything hid that shall not be made known'.

I'm sensing that this is only Part One - I'll be sharing Part Two as and when He releases it to me.
Please join me in prayer as we continue to see the unfolding of Gods rule, Gods reign, Gods
righteousness over the nations 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Friday, 7 August 2015


Today is the eighth day of the eighth month of the year.  While I was praying this morning I could see many assignments coming to a close.  The Lord was showing me that the enemy has had 'strong' assignments against those that have CHOSEN to follow Him, whatever the cost.

As the number eight looks like two circles, He was showing me that particular enemy assignments have now ENDED; they have come full circle.   Enough!!

Many will see the DOUBLE blessings, the TWINS, if you like, during this month.  Not just one NEW BIRTH but TWO!!  I see this in the returning of the prodigals, in families, in business and in ministries.
I also saw many have become tired in the process, in the waiting, which has not been helped by the enemies onslaughts and accusations.  Satan is the father of lies after all, but our Heavenly Father is a GOOD, GOOD FATHER working ALL things together for our GOOD!
Romans 8:28

Look to see him working on your behalf.  EXPECT to see Gods hand at work, particularly in the 'small' things.  I've been receiving lots of confirmations in the last few days of the things He has promised, even from way back and the joy of knowing that He cares; even in the small stuff.

Having an attitude of gratitude helps keeps us focused on what He has said.  Giving thanks IN all things, then calling  into being what He has said, helps keeps us on track.
Romans 4:17

Happy days! 💕