Monday, 22 December 2014


As I've been thinking towards next year and asking if there is a 'theme', a particular word that Father has for us, His church, I have seen snippets that haven't all made sense, at the moment, so I've been hesitant to share on my blog.
Then yesterday as I was watching the film Sister Act 2 (for those unfamiliar with this film) the actress, Whoppy Goldberg, joins a group of nuns as a teacher and begins to teach a bunch of 'hopeless' teenagers how to sing.  She gives them the opportunity to believe in themselves and releases and inspires them, to have hope for their future by putting together a choir from the school, (which is due for closure) and then enters the choir into an important competition; they win, which in turn results in the school remaining open.
Okay...when the choir are waiting to go on stage they see and hear all the other brilliant choirs.  They begin to feel intimidated and wonder what on earth they're doing there!
Right at the last minute, just before they perform, they're told to 'take off their robes and to be themselves - go for it!'
I had such a witness in my spirit and immediately Holy Spirit starts speaking and showing me things to come.
This coming year He says, 'Take off YOUR robes, be yourself, be who I made you to be!   This is your time, not to perform, wearing 'robes' that I never intended you to wear (thoughts of David in Saul's armour) but time to sing, to dance in this glorious freedom that is yours.'
Sometimes we can feel intimidated.  Maybe we haven't got the connections that others have.  We haven't got ten 'well known' people that endorse our books or recommend us to preach in their connected churches/groups/gatherings.  Ha ha ha!  Neither did JESUS 💕  it really, really doesn't matter.  Living the John 5:19 lifestyle is all that matters.  SEEING what Father is doing and SAYING what Father is saying, then being obedient to that, is ALL that matters.

He says 'Watch and see as I bring forth my sons and daughters from the 'back rows' bringing them up 'on stage'.  Their self righteous robes removed, My heart being displayed through them.  My love, My
passion, My plans and My purposes says the Lord are coming like an explosion through them.  Signs and wonders 'on stage' that draw in the masses from nations of Fatherless/Motherless generations ALL coming unto Me 💕
My heart says, just as Mary said to the angel regarding the plans for the birth of Jesus, 'Let it be unto me as you have said'.  Luke 1:38 💕